Mumbai Air Quality Short Course/Course Content

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December 6 (Day 1)

09.00-09.15: Introduction

  • Dr. Virendra Sethi : Welcome & Introduction to India Air Quality Resource Group ,5 mins
  • Dr. Rudolf B. Husar: Course goals, rationale, design, procedures, collaboration, expected outcomes, 10 mins

09.15-10.30: Data Resources & Analyses Tools

Dr. Rudolf B. Husar, WUStL
Ratish Menon, IIT Bombay

Key datasets; observing methods; parameters; space-time coverage

    • Surface and point monitoring networks
    • Satellite datasets and parameters
    • Models and emissions

Analyses tools

    • Spatial and temporal pattern analyses
    • Event monitoring consoles
    • Special: Data fusion and model evaluation

11.00-12.30: Surface based networks and observations


Dr. Prashant Gargava, CPCB
Dr. Gufran Beig, IITM
Dr. Rakesh Kumar, NEERI
Dr.Ajay Deshpande, MPCB

  • National Air Quality Monitoring Program (NAMP)- Aerosol & Gases
  • AQ monitoring, emission inventory and source apportionment study for Indian cities
  • System of Air Quality Weather Forecasting and Research (SAFAR)
  • Other AQ networks

13.30-15.00: Satellite measurements and models for air quality

Dr. Rudolf B. Husar, WUStL
Experts from Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

  • Air pollution remote sensing basics
  • Satellite sensors: MODIS, OMI, CALIPSO, MISR
  • Global and regional modeling basics
  • Navel Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS), Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ)
  • Air quality patterns over India from satellites and models

15.30-16.30: Combining satellite and surface observations with models

Dr. Rudolf B. Husar, WUStL in Collaboration with Other Lecturers

  • Models with data assimilation
  • Pollution event characterization
  • Multisensory data fusion
  • Tentative aerosol source attribution

16.30-17.00: Summary Day1 and discussion

Moderator: Dr. Virendra Sethi

Focus: To have an invited panel and then a general discussion.

  • What have we learned?
  • Opportunities for further learning and applications

The outcome of this session will be a summary of the learning from Day 1 to be presented to the participants on Day 2.

17.30-18.30: DataFed Tutorial

Hands on tutorial on the federated data system ( DataFed). Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops.

December 7, Day 2

09.00-09.30: Aerosol Self Learning Modules and the MAGEEP Aerosol Network

Dr.Pratim Biswas, Washington University in St.Louis

09.30-09.45: Summary report of Day 1

Presented by Dr.Rudolf B.Husar, Washington University in St.Louis

09.45-10.45: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment: Experiences from other countries

Dr.Orhan Yenugin, Bogazici University: A review of the surface ozone and its precursor concentrations in the megacity of Istanbul
Dr.Jiang Jingkun, Tsinghua University: Particulate Matter Pollution in China

11.15-12.00: Organic aerosols

Dr.Brent Williams, Washington University in St.Louis
Dr.Min Hu, Peking University


12.00-13.00: Urban Measurements, Supersites, Special Monitoring

Dr.Jay Turner, Washington University in St.Louis
Dr. Sachidanand Tripathi, IIT Kanpur

14.00-15.30: Panel Discussion


Rashmi S Patil, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Rakesh Kumar, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
B. Sengupta, Advisor to ICCT and Ex Member Secretary, CPCB
Mukesh Khare, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Virendra Sethi, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Ajay Deshpande, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board
Jay Turner, Washington University in St.Louis
Rudolf B.Husar, Washington University in St.Louis

Content: Outstanding needs in air quality analyses for effective control measures

16.00-17.00: Roadmap Discussion

Content: Charting a three year calendar for collaborative education and research in air quality