Draft Excom Minutes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Revision as of 08:14, August 16, 2012 by Erinmr (talk | contribs)

ESIP Federation Executive Committee, August 9, 2012

Participants: Karl Benedict, Steve Berrick, Stefan Falke, Ken Keiser, Chris Lenhardt, Carol Meyer, Curt Tilmes, Erin Robinson, Annette Schloss, Brian Wilson, John Scialdone, Becky Reid, Sayeed Choudhury

Meeting called to order at 2:03 by Karl Benedict

  1. Approval of April minutes- Brian Wilson made a motion to adopt the minutes as drafted. The motion was seconded by Steve Berrick. Without discussion, the minutes were approved by acclamation.
  2. Excom Business
    • Summer Meeting Wrap Up
      • Thanks to all who participated and contributed to the ESIP Summer Meeting. There were just over 200 attendees at the meeting in person and 30 virtual participants.The (Meeting Evaluation Summary) is available for review. 90 people responded to the survey and overall the feedback was very positive. The AV in Madison was the best we'd had. We still had a few comments on the technology as we continued to push the ESIP meeting to virtual participants. We solicited feedback on the ESIP Commons. It was well-received, there is a large group interested in continuing to beta test and many comments on issues around using it as well. Finally there was a long list of potential locations, but many wanted to come back to Madison. There was also a long list of suggested themes.
      • Regarding technology and virtual participants, Becky suggested having a third person in the room dedicated to moderating the online portion of the meeting. Karl added to this that having that person wear headphones may help with audio awareness for virtual participants. A request was made to the group that if you know of good virtual meeting best practices, let Erin know.
      • A few other meeting comments - many enjoyed the Innovators Among Us session. Teachers enjoyed this because if it got to technical in one talk, it was over quickly. The group also talked about how to continue to fully incorporate teachers into the meeting. The group had lots of good ideas and it was suggested to continue the discussion to the Visioneers group.
    • Future Summer Meeting Cycles (2013-2016) - We have been moving the meeting across the country in an East, Midwest, West. The group decided to divide the country into 4 sections: East, upper midwest, lower midwest and west. For Summer 2013 it is time to move east. Carol is in discussion with RPI in Troy, NY and will report back at the next meeting the status.
    • FY 13 Committee Budget Requests - Carol will send out the budget request information and examples and will be accepting budget requests through Sept. 15. As a note, budgets cannot support labor, but can support products.
    • Discussion on USGCRP pitch (NCANet) - Missed this point on the agenda and will cover in September
    • State of the Art Documents - A request was made to all committee chairs to review their content on the wiki for potential state of art contributions. State of Art documents can be added to the Commons directly using the state of art content type.
    • Commons Governance Update (Session Notes) - At the Summer Meeting there was a productive session on Commons governance. A doodle poll has been sent to the list in the room for a follow-up telecon to establish licensing, editorial board and types of content for the Commons.
    • Awards subgroup Update -
  3. Committee Reports
  4. Other Business

Annette Schloss made a motion to adjourn the meeting with a second by Chris Lenhardt. The meeting adjourned at 3:04.