Help:Magic Words

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Table of Contents

Word Explanation
__NOTOC__ Hides ToC on the current page.
__FORCETOC__ Forces the table of contents to appear.
__TOC__ Places a ToC here (overriding any __NOTOC__).


Word Example Explanation
{{CURRENTDAY}} 29 Displays the current day in numeric form.
{{CURRENTDAYNAME}} Sunday Displays the current day in named form.
{{CURRENTDOW}} 0 Ditto as number (0=Sunday, 1=Monday...).
{{CURRENTMONTH}} 09 The number 01 .. 12 of the current month.
{{CURRENTMONTHABBREV}} Sep [MW1.5+] Ditto abbreviated Jan .. Dec.
{{CURRENTMONTHNAME}} September Ditto in named form January .. December.
{{CURRENTTIME}} 04:18 The current time of day (00:00 .. 23:59).
{{CURRENTWEEK}} 39 Number of the current week (1-53) according to ISO 8601 with no leading zero.
{{CURRENTYEAR}} 2024 Returns the current year.