Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/20091110

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  • EP-TOMS plans (John Moses)
  • Preparations for AGU town hall (Mark Parsons)
  • Draft ESIP statement on data (Ruth)
  • Planning for winter ESIP meeting (Ruth)
  • Others?


Ruth Duerr Brian Rogan CUrt Tilmes Katerina gerasimov Gao Chen Carol Meyer John Moses Rob Raskin Chris Lenhardt Mark Parson Bob Downs John Scialdone


Draft ESIP Statement on data

Whereas, data and data dissemination are central to the mission of the ESIP Federation, we adopt the following data policy. For Type I & II members, data shall be free and openly available except where prohibited by law or legal agreement. For Type III members, ...non-discriminatory basis.