WCS NetCDF Development
Web Coverage Service Access from NetCDF Files
Providing an easy way to publish your data in NetCDF format.
We provide a cross-platform toolkit from data to Web Service:
- Check the CF-1.0 compatibility of your data.
- Create CF-1.0 compatible NetCDF files from your data.
- Set up a Web Coverage Service directly from your files with no extra configuration.
Below are sections and descriptions to all the tools we provide. Feel free to add your comments.
Cross Platform Python-NetCDF Library
The most feature-rich library to access NetCDF files via python is PyNIO. Unfortunately it is unix-only. That's why nc3 was created. The two purposes of nc3 are:
- to allow simple read/write access to NetCDF files
- to be the workhorse of the WCS query: Extract a subcube from a NetCDF.
NetCDF Markup Language: NCML
Creating a NetCDF file via plain API is difficult, NCML allows you to describe dimensions, variables and attributes in one xml document. This simplifies creating an empty NetCDF file a great deal.
CF-1.0 Convention
It's not enough to have NetCDF as format, you also need to standardize the attribute names, how to store dimensions etc. To make it easy to create CF-1.0 compatible files, we provide a python library cf1.
- python 2.5.1
- NetCDF 3.6.1
- lxml 1.3.6
Creating CF-1.0 Compatible NetCDF Files
creating of NC
Basics of NCML
The Distributed Version Control System
- darcs src code
- how to get binaries
- currently live repositories