Coastal Management
Coastal Management Cluster Session
Below are notes taken from the Coastal Management Cluster presentations at the 16th Federation Meeting, Jan. 4-6, 2006.
NASA Applied Sciences: Coastal Management -- Lawrence Friedl
Coastal Management:
- Goal: enable partner's beneficial use of NASA Earth science results to
- Enhance DSS capability
- Expand and sustain the use of results
Functional themes in Coastal Management:
- Resource Mgmt
- Economic Trade/mgmt
- Emergency mgmt
- Health (public/environmental)
- Coastal change
--REASoN: HAB project - related to Algal blooms
--Numerous evaluations of DSTs and follow-on activities
--Depending on ROSES, may need to direct/fund more projects to jump-start efforts (no coastal related projects in June)
Future Directions:
- Strong model focus & preparation for future sensors
- Themes should remain similar, but bring in new partners
- NOAA: Marine Fisheries, Estuaries
- Coast Guard
- Army Corps of Engineers
- Evaluation reports
- CREWS: Coral Reef Early Warning System (complete)
- GNOME: Oil Spill modeling (complete)
Fisheries projects will be looked at for future. Lots of opportunity to use data
- Modeling in combinatino with observations helps
Gulf of Mexico alliance -- trying to get political buy-in from Governor to go to the government to address the issues
Harmful Algal Bloom Project (HAB)
- Email-based approach
- HAB Mapping System- constant supply of info.
- Provide real-time data for response
- Utilizes products from QuikScat & SeaWiFS, MODIS
HAB Monitoring
- Given 30 day mean, compared to daily images, are there any anomalies? Put in decision tree and decide what needs to be done.
Rapid Prototyping
- Quickly assess, does the data have potential, and if so, move it quickly into a larger project.
Top 5 Priorities
- Five benchmark reports by FY09
- Strong, competitive proposals & teams
- Outreach & networking efforts to inform coastal community and solicit coastal projects
- Models & future Sensors
- Strong model focus & preparation for future sensors
- More NASA Centers involved in Coastal Program
- Significant involvement by >3 NASA Centers
- Activities with broad set of organizations & federal agencies
- National impact through national/regional organizations & their constituents
Want to work with Non-Governmental organizations
Try to leverage the information other groups have
Coastal Mgmt at Stennis Space Center -- Jim Closs
Stennis has primary responsibility to support NASA and coastal organizations.
- 3 separate steps to do this:
- Evaluation - Identify and assess partners' responsibilities, plans, DSTs
- Verification/Validation - Assess accuracy and validity of NASA resources
- Benchmarking - Assess the improvement to resources
Working at a local level doesn't allow for a broad impact, and since most gov't agencies already had ties to local, we moved away from directly supporting localities.
There is a High Priority to extend this program to other NASA centers
- Primary Fed Partners: NOAA, EPA, NRL, ACE, MMS
- Other NASA Centers: GSFC, JPL
- Other NGO partners: Gulf of Mexico Alliance, Ocean Conservancy, Coastal States Org., Coastal America, Coastal Alliance, Urban Harbors Institute, Coastal Conservation Association.
Program Accomplishments at Stennis
- Completed HABSOS V&V analysis
- Completed analysis on DSS tools for seal level change
- Refined evaluations for CREWS, GNOME, and HABSOS for public dissemination
- Promoting availability of evaluations is good educational aspect
Rapid Prototyping Capability
- Objectives:
- Accelerate assessment of value and potential use of NASA products
- Inform operational community of potential uses of NASA data/models
- Provide users with knowledge to mine, manipulate, and interpret NASA data
- Inform scientists for the data and models needed in the applications community
- Rapid Response to events of national and global importance
Where does the prototype stop? When can users make decisions? When do you get out of Prototype mode?
- Prototype the feasibility to use NASA data and to pursue if it's deemed successful and to go to the next stage. As you investigate the suitability of NASA results for support systems, you can enhance or scrap.
Upcoming activities
- Complete V&V on CREWS DSS
- Analyze fisheries management DST for potential product support
- Investigate use of NPP and GOES products to serve HAB, CREWS, other decision tools
- Complete benchmark performance of MODIS, QuikSCAT, NCOM, model in HAB bulletin under REASoN