Difference between revisions of "Discovery Telecon 2012-02-14"

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Revision as of 15:06, February 14, 2012

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Action Items


  • Recap of Winter Meeting (if needed)
  • Status of new DCPs
    • DCP-4: Use of xlink attributes in Atom <link> tags
    • DCP-5: Use of OpenSearch <Query> tags for valid parameter values
    • DCP-6: Replace overloaded time:start and time:end tags with dc:date
    • DCP-7: define error handling best practices


Recap of Winter Meeting (if needed)

DCP-4: Use of xlink attributes in Atom <link> tags

Current Version: DCP-4: OPeNDAP Links in the Atom <link/> element

DCP-5: Use of OpenSearch <Query> tags for valid parameter values

DCP-6: Adopt Dublin Core Date Specification in Atom Response

Current version: DCP-6: Adopt Dublin Core Date Specification in Atom Response

DCP-7: define error handling best practices