Difference between revisions of "Interagency Data Stewardship/LifeCycle/Preservation Forum/TeleconNotes/2015-11-16meetingnotes"

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
(6 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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::iii. Related link from Mark: https://softwaredatacitation.org/Pages/home.aspx
::iii. Related link from Mark: https://softwaredatacitation.org/Pages/home.aspx
:c. Other:
:c. Other:
::i. PV 2015 meeting in Darmstadt, Germany - Rama and Nancy Ritchey were there. Of interest to this group - http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/ConferencesandEvents/DAT_2447480.html
::i. "PV 2015 Conference" organized by EUMETSAT met in Darmstadt, Germany between November 3-5 - Rama and Nancy Ritchey were there. Of interest to this group - http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/ConferencesandEvents/DAT_2447480.html
3. Discussion:
3. Discussion:
:a. Two new RDA Recommendations are open for comment (https://rd-alliance.org/two-new-rda-recommendations-open-comment.html)   
:a. Two new RDA Recommendations are open for comment (https://rd-alliance.org/two-new-rda-recommendations-open-comment.html)   
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::::- For the repository certification, it would be helpful if the Data Stewardship Committee could provide a comment as a group because the Committee represents a broad range of professionals/experience levels and can cover a diverse range of perspectives.  Also, any feedback regarding the acceptability of the certification could provide an idea how well the certification will be adopted.
::::- For the repository certification, it would be helpful if the Data Stewardship Committee could provide a comment as a group because the Committee represents a broad range of professionals/experience levels and can cover a diverse range of perspectives.  Also, any feedback regarding the acceptability of the certification could provide an idea how well the certification will be adopted.
4. Justin thanked everyone for their participation and enthusiasm this calendar year; he noted that it has been a privilege to serve this extremely active group. Justin wished everyone safe travels to and from AGU and the ESIP Winter Meeting as well as an enjoyable holiday season.  He and Sophie look forward to seeing everyone at the Winter Meeting.
4. Justin thanked everyone for their participation and enthusiasm this calendar year; he noted that it has been a privilege to serve this extremely active group. Justin wished everyone safe travels to and from AGU and the ESIP Winter Meeting as well as an enjoyable holiday season.  He and Sophie look forward to seeing everyone at the Winter Meeting.
5. AGU’s Data Management Maturity (DMM) Presentation by Shelley Stall (SStall AT agu DOT org)  - 20 mins + 15 min QA
:a.AGU Data Services link: http://dataservices.agu.org/
5. AGU’s Data Management Maturity (DMM) Presentation by Shelley Stall (SStall AT agu DOT org)  - 20 mins + 15 min QA '''(To access the complete presentation file: [[File:AGU DMM Overview ESIP Data Stewardship.pdf]])'''.
:a. AGU Data Services link: http://dataservices.agu.org/
:b. The DMM Program at AGU would like to help in assessing how well institutions, industry, large/small data facilities and repositories are adhering to best practices of data management.
:b. The DMM Program at AGU would like to help in assessing how well institutions, industry, large/small data facilities and repositories are adhering to best practices of data management.
:c. DMM Process Areas - Category Names: Data Management Strategy, Data Governance, Data Quality, Data Management Operations, Platform and Architecture, and Supporting Processes.
:c. DMM Process Areas - Category Names: Data Management Strategy, Data Governance, Data Quality, Data Management Operations, Platform and Architecture, and Supporting Processes.

Latest revision as of 12:57, November 19, 2015

Meeting Agenda - DS Committee - 2015-11-16 2PM EDT

Link to webex: https://esipfed.webex.com/mw0401lsp11/mywebex/default.do?siteurl=esipfed

Passcode: 23138372

Telecon: 1-877-668-4493 Access Code: 23138372

Attendees: Justin Goldstein, Sophie Hou, Denise Hills, Ge Peng, Lisa Raymond, Madison Langseth, Annie Burgess, Mark Parsons, Kerstin Lehnert, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Rama, Sarah Ramdeen, Shannon Rauch, Shelley Stall, Steven Worley, Tamar Norkin, Matt Mayernik, Steve Olding, Terri Killeffer, Soren Scott, David Moroni, Nancy Ritchey, Tim DiLauro, Ruth Duerr, Natalie Meyers, Vicky Wolf


1. ExCom Update.

a. Stay tuned for further information concerning a possible change in the relationship between the Foundation for Earth Science and the ESIP Federation. It is possible that the rationale for the dual organizations was based on a legal misunderstanding. At this time, no action is required from anyone in attendance at this meeting.
b. Summer Meeting 2016 will most likely occur in Chapel Hill, NC. However, as nothing has been scheduled, please do not make travel plans or complete travel authorizations until further notice. The other finalists are northern New Hampshire and Gainesville, FL, although the latter may not be able to meet our IT needs.

2. Meeting Report Out:

a. 2nd COPDESS Working Meeting (October 20-21; Oxford, UK) - Kerstin
i. Link: http://www.copdess.org/
ii. International representatives were at the meeting.
iii. Series of presentations, including science reproducibility, policy regarding data, and value of data, were given at the meeting.
iv. One key action items was to provide a guideline or best practice recommendation regarding citation.
v. Software citation was also discussed, and it will be discussed more in detail in the next meeting.
vi. A related topic to software citation that was also discussed was the use of identifiers.
vii. A directory is being developed; a “re3data-like” metadata will be used. There will be a closer partnership between re3data.org and CPDESS going forward.
viii. With ESIP Winter Meeting 2016 and RDA Plenary, COPDESS is looking forward to being able to collaborate with additional communities.
ix. There will be a COPDESS Meeting at AGU on Thursday evening, 12/17, at 6 PM - location TBD.
b. Software Citation: Beyond the Research Paper (October 30; Davis, CA) - Sophie
i. Link: http://icis.ucdavis.edu/?p=765
ii. Key observations:
1) There might be a correlation or synergy with the dynamic dataset citation effort from the Research Data Alliance, such as determination of version control and the level of granularity to cite.
2) Many speakers, including librarians and publishing representatives, presented different perspectives but supporting views regarding why software citation is important and its relevance to scholastic effort as well as measurement of scientific impact, .
iii. Related link from Mark: https://softwaredatacitation.org/Pages/home.aspx
c. Other:
i. "PV 2015 Conference" organized by EUMETSAT met in Darmstadt, Germany between November 3-5 - Rama and Nancy Ritchey were there. Of interest to this group - http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/News/ConferencesandEvents/DAT_2447480.html

3. Discussion:

a. Two new RDA Recommendations are open for comment (https://rd-alliance.org/two-new-rda-recommendations-open-comment.html)
i. Citation of Dynamic Data
ii. DSA-WDS partnership on repository certification
1) Due to time limitation of the monthly call, Justin asked everyone to review the recommendations and to provide feedback via email.
2) Input from Mark:
- Since ESIP Winter Meeting 2015, a lot of progress has been made regarding the dynamic data citation recommendation. Community members are encouraged to provide comments to the current version of the recommendation.
- For the repository certification, it would be helpful if the Data Stewardship Committee could provide a comment as a group because the Committee represents a broad range of professionals/experience levels and can cover a diverse range of perspectives. Also, any feedback regarding the acceptability of the certification could provide an idea how well the certification will be adopted.

4. Justin thanked everyone for their participation and enthusiasm this calendar year; he noted that it has been a privilege to serve this extremely active group. Justin wished everyone safe travels to and from AGU and the ESIP Winter Meeting as well as an enjoyable holiday season. He and Sophie look forward to seeing everyone at the Winter Meeting.

5. AGU’s Data Management Maturity (DMM) Presentation by Shelley Stall (SStall AT agu DOT org) - 20 mins + 15 min QA (To access the complete presentation file: File:AGU DMM Overview ESIP Data Stewardship.pdf).

a. AGU Data Services link: http://dataservices.agu.org/
b. The DMM Program at AGU would like to help in assessing how well institutions, industry, large/small data facilities and repositories are adhering to best practices of data management.
c. DMM Process Areas - Category Names: Data Management Strategy, Data Governance, Data Quality, Data Management Operations, Platform and Architecture, and Supporting Processes.
d. DMM Capability versus Maturity; i.e. “We can do this” versus “and we can prove it”. In other words, having the resources to be able to perform DMM tasks versus showing support of how the tasks are being completed.
e. DMM’s 5 Capability Levels: performed (ad hoc), managed (planned and executed per policy at least for one line of program/project), defined (consistently across the organization), measured (metrics are defined), and optimized.
f. DMM’s Assessment Method has three stages: Preparation (2+ weeks), Assessment (1 week), and Conclusion (2 weeks - include reviewing findings and observation, making recommendations, and providing executive summaries).
g. Data Fair at the AGU Fall Meeting.
i. Link: https://fallmeeting.agu.org/2015/event/agu-data-fair/
ii. 15 December 2015, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM, Moscone North - Hall D
h. Comments from Mark and Matt: There are synergies between RDA’s repository certification recommendation and the data maturity matrix assessment. It could be possible to include the data maturity matrix assessment as a part of the certification.
i. Comment from Rama: The ISO trusted repository standard (ISO16363) is another robust process that had been set up to review the data archive/repository’s practices. However, AGU’s DMM could be a “lighter” or more agile way to assess an archive/repository’s practices.
j. Question from Ruth: What about the training portion of the AGU DMM?
i. The first class is planned to be available by January, 2016.
ii. 10 modules have been planned initially - these modules will still need to be produced.
iii. Link to credentialing board: http://sites.agu.org/leadership/data-science-advisory-group/
1) Email Madison if you have any questions regarding AGU’s credentialing program: mlangseth AT usgs DOT gov

6. Adjourn