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From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Participants: Peter Fox, Sara Graves, Bruce Caron, Tyler Stevens, Ken Keiser, Margaret Mooney, Christine White, Ruth Duerr, Matt Austin, Emily Law, Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson
=== NOW: Program Committee working notes ===
# Approval of [[Draft Excom Minutes| February Minutes]]
Working Notes are on a Google DOC: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I_Mr_IXFUObJFizxgOVETFHai6vv5iE32kX8h_uGUso/edit?usp=sharing ESIP Program Committee Working Notes]
#: Roberta Johnson motioned to accept the minutes as presented and Emily Law seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
# Force11 [http://www.force11.org/datacitation| Data Citation Principles]
#: Ruth Duerr presented to the group on the finalized Force 11 Data Citation Principles. Force 11 is now looking for groups to sign on and endorse these principles. The principles are at a very high level. Ruth worked with the committee that drafted these principles and there isn't anything that doesn't align with our own Data Citation Guidelines. Ruth suggested that ESIP endorse the Force 11 principles. There is a precedent for endorsement. ESIP endorsed the [http://www.egy.org/ Electronic Geophysical Year]. The group felt it would be beneficial if the Force 11 Data Citation Principles linked back to the ESIP Data Citation Guidelines if ESIP endorses. Ruth will follow-up with Force 11 to see about linking up. The next steps are to share the Force 11 principles with the ESIP Assembly and then vote on endorsement. 
# President's Report
#* Federation Strategic Plan update - working with Erin and Carol, we are kicking off development of a new strategic plan. Emily Law will be taking the lead.
#* Nomination Committee - Peter reported that he's asked Bruce Caron, C&B Chair, to lead a task force for developing a nomination committee
#* Funding ESIP Collaboration Areas - Peter has asked for Bill Teng, Ficom chair, to take the lead reviewing the eligibility of different types of ESIP groups to request funding.
#* Climate Data Initiative - The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Committee on Environmental Quality are having a Climate Data Initiative briefing. Peter is unable to attend, but ESIP will be represented by Stefan Falke. Brian Wee will represent the Foundation for Earth Science. Peter will report on outcomes at the next meeting.
#* Executive Director - Peter informed the ExCom that Carol has submitted her resignation to the Foundation board, effective March 31. Carol expressed her gratitude for the time with the ESIP Federation. The group wished her well. Karl, Foundation board chair and Peter met with ESIP's primary sponsors at NASA and NOAA last week. Both NASA and NOAA wished Carol the best and didn't have many questions about the transition. The Foundation board will meet next week to discuss the next steps. Peter will keep the ExCom informed as the transition proceeds.  It was also suggested that the group review the MOU between the Federation and the Foundation.
# Staff Report
#* Carol reported that she has been working on the transition, shipping the storage unit to Erin
#* ESIP 202
#: Erin reported that ESIP 202 was delivered Feb. 27 with 8 participants ([https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7DAFB2BsbfRb0dmUXNOZHJtV0k/edit?usp=sharing Leadership folder and ppts slides], [https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/ldr.php?RCID=d2f00b53916af4b2fc846b7431772bf4 Recording of the 202 Call]) . The group covered process and logistics - common ESIP questions and details of the ESIP platform for collaboration - ESIP Commons, wiki workspace and WebEx. It was suggested that a follow-up call for Summer session conveners. It also was suggested that this is a useful way to get new members engaged. We may also in future years deliver ESIP 202 in person at future Winter Meetings.
#* [http://commons.esipfed.org/2014SummerMeeting Summer Meeting Update] - call for sessions
#: Erin reported that the Visioneers met for the last time. The Excom has established the theme and the call for sessions is out. Sessions are due by 4/13 (now: 4/20). Visioneers talked about evening events - one night will have a Jam session and we'll also We will be reviewing the FUNding Friday Guidelines. Finally, we're looking for plenary speaker suggestion.
#* Summer Meeting 2015 -
#: Erin reported that she has a proposal in hand within our budget. The one caveat is that they don't do federal per diem and the room rate includes all meals. We can put a hold on the space and continue to look. The group will revisit this next month
# Committee Reports
#* Finance Committee - Bill Teng reiterated the review of collaboration area funding
#* Partnership Committee - Tyler Stevens reported that the group has 7 applications so far. The group will meet to review and will look at the strategic plan.
#* Constitution & Bylaws - Bruce Caron reported they are still working on same things -language to regularize quorum, retire long-term inactive members and now nominations committee. Bruce requested that if anyone was interested in being one of the three at large members send him an email.
#* Data Stewardship - Ruth Duerr reported still waiting on paper review; She also noted that RDA Data Citation working group contacted her. They would like to work with ESIP to test their proposed machine-citeable emails.
#* Education - Roberta Johnson didn't have progress to report.
#* IT & I - Matt Austin reported that the monthly Rant & Rave was last week from NOAA Fisheries. Matt requested a 1-pager on ESIP for use in the announcements.
#* Type Rep Reports - Sara Grave reported that Paul Uhlir, NAS had mentioned the Data Study in BRDI. Ken Keiser updated the membership list for Type II and sent out an update to communicate to the group. Margaret Mooney had nothing to report, but she will solicit feedback on Force 11 proposal.
# Other Business
#* Information - Emily Law briefed the group on the IT/FOSS EarthCube Assembly Workshop. It was a good meeting and many conversations included how to leverage ESIP within EarthCube. Bruce added that a few Summer Meeting sessions from this meeting.
#* Peter reminded the group about future agenda topics.
The meeting adjourned at 2:01.

Latest revision as of 17:35, February 16, 2017

NOW: Program Committee working notes

Working Notes are on a Google DOC: ESIP Program Committee Working Notes