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From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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''Back to'' '''[[Partnership]]''' -- The following applications have been posted for review by the Partnership Committee  <br>
''Back to'' '''[[Partnership]]''' -- The following applications have been posted for review by the Partnership Committee  <br>
==Winter 2020 Class ==  
==October 2024 Class ==  
===Army Corps of Engineers - ESIP-II ===  
=== Amazon Web Services - Type III ===  
The USACE collects, processes, and analyses geospatial and earth science data for both military and civil applications,
particularly in support of our nations infrastructure needs.
:Website: https://www.usace.army.mil/
AWS provides scalable storage, compute, and tooling in the cloud for high performance workloads needed for climate change
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ySxuuEwN3v0wY2QlE48NIJwiJTiW7YUd/view?usp=sharing]
analysis. We have dedicated Earth science technology services such as SageMaker Geospatial, which is a managed Jupyter
notebook environment with access to a STAC catalog of geospatial datasets from the AWS Open Data program.
===Crowd2Map - ESIP-II ===
:Website: [https://aws.amazon.com/]
We are supporting capacity development in Tanzania by helping train community activists and youthmapper chapters to use technology to develop their communities. We are mapping rural Tanzania into OpenStreetMap and supporting rural groups and universities with remote sensing. We are working with organizations such as Selian Agricultural Research Institute (SARI, http://www.erails.net/TZ/sari/sari) in Arusha, Tanzania, and Africa Soil Information Service project (AfSIS, http://africasoils.net) to help farmers groups and others to access and use their data.
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vFSHYg05Kpdk7vS8dtE0b5gKwOr5dQS2/view?usp=sharing]
:Website: https://crowd2map.org/
=== Amber Biology LLC - Type III ===
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h9hY_WGHYYB7xbd1od_fYn8dZ3GT4oCg/view?usp=sharing]
Amber Biology has begun to provide coding, data analytics and research consulting services in the earth sciences community, building on a decade-long experience with data science in the biotechnology communities and beyond.
===Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI) - ESIP-II ===
:Website: [https://amberbiology.com/]
EDGI is a home for accountability around federal treatment of environmental data and information. In addition to
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fatijIICiiCaDePXpcUp-Ns2uG0kaei-/view?usp=sharing]
monitoring changes to federal sites and writing public comments, we provide reporting and information around the
state of earth science coverage & influence in the U.S. federal government, and envision more archivally sound,
distributed, and just futures for data in this sector.
:Website: https://envirodgi.org/
=== Howard University CORE Futures Lab - II ===
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iqxx1O68Grj4NpAqI8ikMluYygMNuqlf/view?usp=sharing]
The CORE Futures Lab embodies the principles of "Community-Centered," "Openness," "Research," and "Equity," guiding our
inclusive approach to address challenges, unlock potential, and reimagine a more enriched future. Despite the belief that data alone
holds all the answers, we recognize the expansion of data gaps layered on existing issues. While we acknowledge the
abundance of available data, we are also mindful of the complexities arising from a singular white, male, and cisgender
perspective dominating the data and tech realms. Our main focus such far has been in dealing with earth science (air, heat,
water and soil) data.
===Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research - ESIP-III ===
:Website: [https://howard.edu/]
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research is one of seven New Zealand Crown Research Institutes (CRIs) formed in 1992. CRIs
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1llAId2BhS7kZwFvZA-XZKWu7PB_kOrVd/view?usp=sharing]
function as independent companies but are owned by, and accountable to, the New Zealand Government.
We are responsible for four National Outcomes, to: 1) Achieve the sustainable use of soil and land resources and their ecosystem services across catchments and sectors; 2) Improve the measurement and mitigation of greenhouse gases from the terrestrial biosphere; 3) Improve the measurement, management and protection of New Zealand's terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity, including those in the conservation estate; and 4) Increase the ability of New Zealand industries and organizations to develop within environmental limits and meet market and community requirements.
We have 7 science portfolios that work closely with central and local government, private sector businesses and
=== Stroud Water Research Center - II ===
organizations, and Māori organizations. We collaborate extensively with other research organizations in New Zealand and
Since 1967, Stroud Water Research Center has been leading the effort to produce innovative solutions for preserving and
around the world.
restoring fresh water. We believe in an independent, unbiased voice — and in adventure, inspiration, perseverance, and
integrity. Our mission is to advance knowledge and stewardship of freshwater systems through global research, education, and
watershed restoration. As such, we produce the trusted science needed for successful stream and river conservation while
fostering people's passion for water in their lives. While conducting discovery-oriented research on rivers and watersheds is the
focus of the Stroud Center, we also develop innovative environmental education tools and curriculum and provide watershed
restoration services to landowners and farmers. As part of all these efforts, the Stroud Center has developed a suite of hardware
and cyberinfrastructure tools for the Earth science community. These tools are used by scientists, educators, and environmental
practitioners around the world, and they are our impetus for seeking partnering with ESIP.
:Website: https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/
:Website: [https://www.stroudcenter.org/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Sze9idAfEre44J7Vcten2soVtBOYTwSU/view?usp=sharing]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zb0JUr3DLnUv20Fjbx3EhVRFhyiXD7CP/view?usp=sharing]
===Metadata Game Changers - ESIP-III ===  
=== University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Department of Genetics - II ===
Many ESIP members rely on metadata as a primary mechanism for describing data and other research objects in a
UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Genetics is interested in how genes interact with environments to result in phenotypes and disease. In
way that facilitates discovery and use. Our role is to help provide advice and analysis to scientists and data managers
our discipline, this is referred to as the effect of the exposome. Investigating this at scale requires development of data
on documentation, metadata and data management. We bring extensive experience with NOAA, NASA, DataOne,
infrastructure for linking geo data and patient data. We are looking to expand our role in the earth science community so that we
DataCite, CrossRef, and other metadata repositories to this work.
can collaboratively develop this data infrastructure.
:Website: https://metadatagamechanger.com
:Website: [https://www.med.unc.edu/genetics/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K2X0F8WEvetHVQPIQKg8aqLjHtw2hrMZ/view?usp=sharing]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sKxnTCn9nzBvSHeIirWkJcm5uq5tHo3E/view?usp=sharing]
===Montana Technological University - ESIP-II ===  
=== World Data System - V ===
Montana Technological University specializes in engineering and science and houses the Montana Bureaus of Mines and
The World Data System is an international membership organization comprised of data repositories and data related
Geology. Montana Tech currently has research on Geophysics, Remote Sensing, Domain Science in Biology, Chemistry,
organizations and services, many of which are Earth science related. Our mission is to enhance the capabilities, impact and
Geophysics, and other fields. Students, faculty, and affiliated researchers have a wide variety of in-situ and remote sensing
sustainability of our member data repositories and data services by creating trusted communities of scientific data repositories,
projects that are integral to the Earth science community.
strengthen the scientific enterprise and advocating for accessible data and transparent and reproducible science.
:Website: https://www.mtech.edu/
:Website: [https://worlddatasystem.org/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xTl9e8corH_-lH5qSGE3JFluvyovOzoP/view?usp=sharing]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I-R-OsMcSybtLRpbwolPGfmLkSnFL2C-/view?usp=sharing]

Latest revision as of 13:38, September 6, 2024

Back to Partnership -- The following applications have been posted for review by the Partnership Committee

October 2024 Class

Amazon Web Services - Type III

AWS provides scalable storage, compute, and tooling in the cloud for high performance workloads needed for climate change analysis. We have dedicated Earth science technology services such as SageMaker Geospatial, which is a managed Jupyter notebook environment with access to a STAC catalog of geospatial datasets from the AWS Open Data program.

Website: [1]
Full Application: [2]

Amber Biology LLC - Type III

Amber Biology has begun to provide coding, data analytics and research consulting services in the earth sciences community, building on a decade-long experience with data science in the biotechnology communities and beyond.

Website: [3]
Full Application: [4]

Howard University CORE Futures Lab - II

The CORE Futures Lab embodies the principles of "Community-Centered," "Openness," "Research," and "Equity," guiding our inclusive approach to address challenges, unlock potential, and reimagine a more enriched future. Despite the belief that data alone holds all the answers, we recognize the expansion of data gaps layered on existing issues. While we acknowledge the abundance of available data, we are also mindful of the complexities arising from a singular white, male, and cisgender perspective dominating the data and tech realms. Our main focus such far has been in dealing with earth science (air, heat, water and soil) data.

Website: [5]
Full Application: [6]

Stroud Water Research Center - II

Since 1967, Stroud Water Research Center has been leading the effort to produce innovative solutions for preserving and restoring fresh water. We believe in an independent, unbiased voice — and in adventure, inspiration, perseverance, and integrity. Our mission is to advance knowledge and stewardship of freshwater systems through global research, education, and watershed restoration. As such, we produce the trusted science needed for successful stream and river conservation while fostering people's passion for water in their lives. While conducting discovery-oriented research on rivers and watersheds is the focus of the Stroud Center, we also develop innovative environmental education tools and curriculum and provide watershed restoration services to landowners and farmers. As part of all these efforts, the Stroud Center has developed a suite of hardware and cyberinfrastructure tools for the Earth science community. These tools are used by scientists, educators, and environmental practitioners around the world, and they are our impetus for seeking partnering with ESIP.

Website: [7]
Full Application: [8]

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Department of Genetics - II

UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Genetics is interested in how genes interact with environments to result in phenotypes and disease. In our discipline, this is referred to as the effect of the exposome. Investigating this at scale requires development of data infrastructure for linking geo data and patient data. We are looking to expand our role in the earth science community so that we can collaboratively develop this data infrastructure.

Website: [9]
Full Application: [10]

World Data System - V

The World Data System is an international membership organization comprised of data repositories and data related organizations and services, many of which are Earth science related. Our mission is to enhance the capabilities, impact and sustainability of our member data repositories and data services by creating trusted communities of scientific data repositories, strengthen the scientific enterprise and advocating for accessible data and transparent and reproducible science.

Website: [11]
Full Application: [12]