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''Back to'' '''[[Partnership]]''' -- The following applications have been posted for review by the Partnership Committee <br>
The following six applications are open for review. Please send comments to tpy@jpl.nasa.gov or carol.meyer@earthsciencefoundation.org
===Baron AMS (Type III Research)===
:Application excerpt:
==October 2024 Class ==
::"In this project, an outstanding team of scientists and engineers led by PI John McHenry—who has
pioneered operational-commercial air quality forecasting in the US (McHenry et al., 2004; McHenry and
Dabberdt, 2005)—will infuse NASA Earth-Sun System research results from the AURA and MODIS
platforms into an extant air quality forecast decision-support system (AQF-DSS). The AQF-DSS runs
operationally at Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems (BAMS) high-performance computing facility, colocated
with the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, NC. The core modeling system
includes MM5 (with WRF coming online), SMOKE, CMAQ, and MAQSIP-RT."
::http://www.baronams.com/projects/nasa/esip (not yet active)
:Full Application:
::[[media:BaronAMS_ESIP_Partnership_Application.pdf|Baron AMS Partnership Application]]
===Global Systems Science (GSS)(Type III Research)===
=== Amazon Web Services - Type III ===  
:Application excerpt:
AWS provides scalable storage, compute, and tooling in the cloud for high performance workloads needed for climate change
::"Global Systems Science (GSS) is an integrated science program for the first year of high school on the topic of global environmental change. The course emphasizes how scientists from a wide variety of fields work together to understand problems of global impact. The “big ideas” of science are stressed, such as the concept of an interacting system, the co-evolution of the atmosphere and life, the goal of a sustainable world, and the important role that individuals play in both impacting and protecting our global environment."
analysis. We have dedicated Earth science technology services such as SageMaker Geospatial, which is a managed Jupyter
notebook environment with access to a STAC catalog of geospatial datasets from the AWS Open Data program.
:Full Application:
::[[media:ESIP_Partnership_App-GSS.pdf |GSS Partnership Application]]
===The HDF Group (Type II Research)===
:Website: [https://aws.amazon.com/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vFSHYg05Kpdk7vS8dtE0b5gKwOr5dQS2/view?usp=sharing]
:Application excerpt:
=== Amber Biology LLC - Type III ===
::"The HDF Group (THG) is a not-for-profit “spin-off” company from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The THG staff are the same group that created the “Hierarchical Data Format” or HDF, in 1988. Two HDF formats exist, and both are among the premier scientific data formats in the world, and serve as the standard for many large projects and organizations."
Amber Biology has begun to provide coding, data analytics and research consulting services in the earth sciences community, building on a decade-long experience with data science in the biotechnology communities and beyond.
:Full Application:
::[[media:Applications-from-the-HDF-Group.pdf|HDF Group Partnership Application]]
===NASA Earth Observations (NEO) (Type III Research)===
:Website: [https://amberbiology.com/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fatijIICiiCaDePXpcUp-Ns2uG0kaei-/view?usp=sharing]
:Application excerpt:
=== Howard University CORE Futures Lab - II ===
::"NASA Earth Observations (NEO) dramatically simplifies public access to georeferenced imagery of NASA remote sensing data. NEO targets the unsophisticated, non-traditional data users who are currently underserved by the existing data ordering systems. These users include formal and informal educators, museum and science center personnel, professional communicators, and citizen scientists and amateur Earth observers."
The CORE Futures Lab embodies the principles of "Community-Centered," "Openness," "Research," and "Equity," guiding our
inclusive approach to address challenges, unlock potential, and reimagine a more enriched future. Despite the belief that data alone
holds all the answers, we recognize the expansion of data gaps layered on existing issues. While we acknowledge the
:Full Application:
abundance of available data, we are also mindful of the complexities arising from a singular white, male, and cisgender
::[[media:NEO_ESIP_Partnership_Application1.pdf|NEO Partnership Application]]
perspective dominating the data and tech realms. Our main focus such far has been in dealing with earth science (air, heat,
water and soil) data.
===The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC) (Type III Applications)===
:Website: [https://howard.edu/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1llAId2BhS7kZwFvZA-XZKWu7PB_kOrVd/view?usp=sharing]
:Application excerpt:
=== Stroud Water Research Center - II ===
::"The Science Education Resource Center (SERC) works to improve undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education through projects that support educators. An office
Since 1967, Stroud Water Research Center has been leading the effort to produce innovative solutions for preserving and
Carleton College, our work is funded primarily through National Science Foundation grants. The office
restoring fresh water. We believe in an independent, unbiased voice — and in adventure, inspiration, perseverance, and
special expertise in effective pedagogies, geoscience education, community organization, workshop leadership, digital libraries, website development and program and website evaluation."
integrity. Our mission is to advance knowledge and stewardship of freshwater systems through global research, education, and
watershed restoration. As such, we produce the trusted science needed for successful stream and river conservation while
fostering people's passion for water in their lives. While conducting discovery-oriented research on rivers and watersheds is the
:Full Application:
focus of the Stroud Center, we also develop innovative environmental education tools and curriculum and provide watershed
::[[media:SERC_ESIP_Partnership_Application.pdf|SERC Partnership Application]]
restoration services to landowners and farmers. As part of all these efforts, the Stroud Center has developed a suite of hardware
and cyberinfrastructure tools for the Earth science community. These tools are used by scientists, educators, and environmental
practitioners around the world, and they are our impetus for seeking partnering with ESIP.
===Semantic Web for Earth and Environmental Terminology (SWEET) (Type III Applications)===
:Website: [https://www.stroudcenter.org/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zb0JUr3DLnUv20Fjbx3EhVRFhyiXD7CP/view?usp=sharing]
:Application excerpt:
=== University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Department of Genetics - II ===
::"We provide knowledge management support for Earth system science data. We encourage the use of machine-readable metadata, which will support automated search, acquisition, and utilization of data. We are an information service provider.  Data providers can associate rich metadata descriptions to their data products by pointing (via XML tags) to concepts in the SWEET ontologies (where they are defined).  This annotation supports semantic interoperability."
UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Genetics is interested in how genes interact with environments to result in phenotypes and disease. In
our discipline, this is referred to as the effect of the exposome. Investigating this at scale requires development of data
infrastructure for linking geo data and patient data. We are looking to expand our role in the earth science community so that we
:Full Application:
can collaboratively develop this data infrastructure.
::[[media:ESIP_Partnership_Application_SWEET.pdf|SWEET Application]]
===Center for Research on Environment and Water (CREW) (Type III Applications)===
:Website: [https://www.med.unc.edu/genetics/]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sKxnTCn9nzBvSHeIirWkJcm5uq5tHo3E/view?usp=sharing]
:Application excerpt:
=== World Data System - V ===
::"CREW's mission is to quantify and predict water cycle and environmental consequences of earth system variability and change through focused research investments in observation, modeling, and application.
The World Data System is an international membership organization comprised of data repositories and data related
::CREW aims to quantify and predict the energy sources and sinks that feed baroclinic weather systems, the general circulation of the atmosphere, global water transport, rainfall, and the renewal of fresh water resources.
organizations and services, many of which are Earth science related. Our mission is to enhance the capabilities, impact and
::The Center: CREW integrates research across traditional disciplines in an end-to-end program that transitions theoretical research to academic/public education and real-world application, through partnerships with universities, government, and international agencies. The center goal of improved and applicable predictions of the water and energy cycles will require decisive progression from observations to improved understanding and modeling, and eventually to better prediction and application. The center can not possibly hope to achieve this objective alone, but rather conducts focused activities aimed at improving existing partner capabilities."
sustainability of our member data repositories and data services by creating trusted communities of scientific data repositories,
strengthen the scientific enterprise and advocating for accessible data and transparent and reproducible science.
:Full Application:
:Website: [https://worlddatasystem.org/]
::[[media:ESIP_Partnership_Application_CREW.pdf|CREW Application]]
:Full Application: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I-R-OsMcSybtLRpbwolPGfmLkSnFL2C-/view?usp=sharing]

Latest revision as of 13:38, September 6, 2024

Back to Partnership -- The following applications have been posted for review by the Partnership Committee

October 2024 Class

Amazon Web Services - Type III

AWS provides scalable storage, compute, and tooling in the cloud for high performance workloads needed for climate change analysis. We have dedicated Earth science technology services such as SageMaker Geospatial, which is a managed Jupyter notebook environment with access to a STAC catalog of geospatial datasets from the AWS Open Data program.

Website: [1]
Full Application: [2]

Amber Biology LLC - Type III

Amber Biology has begun to provide coding, data analytics and research consulting services in the earth sciences community, building on a decade-long experience with data science in the biotechnology communities and beyond.

Website: [3]
Full Application: [4]

Howard University CORE Futures Lab - II

The CORE Futures Lab embodies the principles of "Community-Centered," "Openness," "Research," and "Equity," guiding our inclusive approach to address challenges, unlock potential, and reimagine a more enriched future. Despite the belief that data alone holds all the answers, we recognize the expansion of data gaps layered on existing issues. While we acknowledge the abundance of available data, we are also mindful of the complexities arising from a singular white, male, and cisgender perspective dominating the data and tech realms. Our main focus such far has been in dealing with earth science (air, heat, water and soil) data.

Website: [5]
Full Application: [6]

Stroud Water Research Center - II

Since 1967, Stroud Water Research Center has been leading the effort to produce innovative solutions for preserving and restoring fresh water. We believe in an independent, unbiased voice — and in adventure, inspiration, perseverance, and integrity. Our mission is to advance knowledge and stewardship of freshwater systems through global research, education, and watershed restoration. As such, we produce the trusted science needed for successful stream and river conservation while fostering people's passion for water in their lives. While conducting discovery-oriented research on rivers and watersheds is the focus of the Stroud Center, we also develop innovative environmental education tools and curriculum and provide watershed restoration services to landowners and farmers. As part of all these efforts, the Stroud Center has developed a suite of hardware and cyberinfrastructure tools for the Earth science community. These tools are used by scientists, educators, and environmental practitioners around the world, and they are our impetus for seeking partnering with ESIP.

Website: [7]
Full Application: [8]

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Department of Genetics - II

UNC-Chapel Hill Department of Genetics is interested in how genes interact with environments to result in phenotypes and disease. In our discipline, this is referred to as the effect of the exposome. Investigating this at scale requires development of data infrastructure for linking geo data and patient data. We are looking to expand our role in the earth science community so that we can collaboratively develop this data infrastructure.

Website: [9]
Full Application: [10]

World Data System - V

The World Data System is an international membership organization comprised of data repositories and data related organizations and services, many of which are Earth science related. Our mission is to enhance the capabilities, impact and sustainability of our member data repositories and data services by creating trusted communities of scientific data repositories, strengthen the scientific enterprise and advocating for accessible data and transparent and reproducible science.

Website: [11]
Full Application: [12]