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From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
(Created page with "'''Attendees''' * Denise Hills, Chair, Nomination Committee * Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B * Ethan Davis, Chair, IT&I * Christine White, Chair, Products and Services * Erin Robins...")
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Latest revision as of 10:05, December 28, 2015


  • Denise Hills, Chair, Nomination Committee
  • Ken Keiser, Chair, C&B
  • Ethan Davis, Chair, IT&I
  • Christine White, Chair, Products and Services
  • Erin Robinson, Staff
  • Annie Burgess, Staff
  • Rebecca Fowler, Staff
  • Emily Law, Vice President
  • Justin Goldstein, Chair, Data Stewardship
  • Bill Teng, Chair, FiCom
  • Tyler Stevens, Partnership
  • Ted Habermann, Type III Rep
  • Steven Richard, Type II Rep
  • Danie Kinkade, Type I Rep
  • Peter Fox, President


  1. Approval of October Minutes
    Christine White motioned to approve Minutes and Justin Goldstein seconded. The minutes were approved by acclamation.
  2. President's Report
    Peter Fox reported on three items: (1) With Erin Robinson and Rebecca Fowler, he is at GEO representing ESIP. The meeting is just getting started and he (2) He participated in NOAA's DARWG meeting the first week of November. There is a strong expression of interest from NOAA in the ESIP testbed relative to the assessment of technology readiness. NOAA is impressed with ESIP’s approach. (3) We have new student fellows for 2016 and we are actively looking for ways to acknowledge our current students fellows. Get in touch with Annie Burgess about ideas for acknowledgement or if you have questions about the process of selecting fellows.
  3. ESIP/FES Relationship
    FES, in consultation with their lawyer, concluded the conditions leading to the leadership split of the ESIP Federation and Foundation was a mistake. The FES lawyer assumed that ESIP leadership was paid. Because no one is paid for ESIP leadership, there is no conflict of interest between FES and ESIP. This realization changes the options for the relationship between FES and ESIP. Peter Fox will be reviewing this opinion with ESIP legal council and will report back to ExCom on the results. The group discussed this new information and potential consequences like alternative leadership structures and implications to the nomination proccess for 2016. A question was raised about the cost of legal review and where those funds come from. We do not expect this will be a large cost. These funds come from FES indirect funds.
    • Action: Peter will work to keep ExCom and when appropriate the broader ESIP community apprised with a wiki page.
  4. ESIP Budget Introduction
    The FY16 budget line items were discussed with particular disucssion on how ESIP Meeting registration revenue is divided.
    • Action: Erin will clean up the spreadsheet so it can go out for membership comment.
  5. Staff Reports
    Executive Director
    Erin Robinson reported that she and Rebecca are at GEO this week. ESIP has booth and is looking forward to establishing a productive relationship with GEO. Erin updated the group on All-Hub Regional Big Data Hub meeting in D.C. the first week of November. There is a new NSF solicitation for Big Data Spokes that may be of interest to ESIP community. It will focus on regionally-specific, thematic areas.
    ESIP Community Director
    Annie Burgess reported that the Technology Evaluation is on track and reports are due Nov. 17. As part of the Tech Evaluation work, she spent the day at JPL meeting with the AIST PIs. The Evaluation work will be presented at AGU and there will be a session at the ESIP Winter Meeting. She participated in the IEEE Big Data in Geosciences workshop and represented ESIP on a panel. Finally, Annie reported on the 2016 Student Fellow status. Details will be shared with community at large in the next week.
    Communication Director
    Rebecca Fowler is working on press release for new student fellows. She is planning to do an AGU media advisory for the first time that will highlight ESIP participation in AGU (Ignite, awards, booth). Rebecca reported on the status of Ignite@AGU. There will be 12 Ignite speakers. Rebecca ran her first Ignite event at the IEEE Oceans meeting to support IOOS. Finally, she will be working on communication activities around the ESIP winter meeting.
  6. Meeting Updates
    Winter Meeting
    There was a great response to the call for sessions. The staff is working on a draft agenda and will share by mid-November. NOAA is having its Environmental Data Management workshop preceding the ESIP Winter Meeting, January 4-5, 2016. ESIP members are invited to its closing plenary.
    Summer Meeting locations
    There are two options for the 2016 ESIP Summer Meeting (1) University of New Hampshire (2) Friday Center, Chapel Hill. The group discussed pros and cons of each location and will send Erin strong preferences if there are any.
  7. Committee Reports
    Bill Teng reported that Ficom has a draft budget request announcement. It will be sent to committees and working groups in the next week.
    Tyler Stevens reported that Partnership has received a new member application for AGU. The group is also working on new text for ESIP member join page and membership expertise gap analysis.
    Data Stewardship
    Justin Goldstein reported that David Moroni from JPL gave a presentation on the data infrastructure at PO.DAAC on last telecon. Nancy Hobelheinrich and Jay Carlson have submitted a statement of interest in response to the USGS Community for Data Integration RFP. The group supported a recap discussion on the RDA plenary led by Sara Ramdeen 6th Plenary Programme
    Ethan Davis reported that there was no November IT&I Rant and Rave. He is working on Dec Rant/Rave. Topics and ideas are always welcome.
    Denise Hills reported that the Nomination Committee has a ballot in place and thanked all who had stepped up for 2016 leadership. She will write up a how-to for whomever does this next.
    Products and Services
    Christine White reported that P&S has the fall testbed call out with Deadline December 1. TCB will review and notify. P&S has gotten ideas together for Winter Meeting. Funding Friday folks have been submitting sessions to the Winter Meeting.
  8. Type Reports
    Type I
    Danie Kinkade reported that she has reached out to the Type I's to see if there is interest in getting data repository people together using a common poster template together.
    Type 2:
    Steve Richard had nothing to report.
    Type 3
    Ted Habermann had nothing to report.
  9. Other Business
    AGENDA item title
    Ken Keiser walked through: C&B Discussion Points. Lots of positive feedback on this document, with the most conversation revolving around improving the continuity of the officers.
    • Action: Ken will go back into the document and synthesize comments and provide list of four options.