Difference between revisions of "AIP CFP AQ Responses"

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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*WCS to smoke forecast output
*WCS to smoke forecast output
=====Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding=====
=====Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding=====
*SOS for sensor metadata
*WCS to smoke forecast output
*WCS to smoke forecast output
*SOS for sensor metadata
*''Internet2 application and use''
*''Internet2 application and use''
=====Workflow for derived product and alert generation=====
=====Workflow for derived product and alert generation=====

Revision as of 04:36, September 19, 2008

Summary from OGC AIP Committee

  • Primary responses: EPA, ESIP AQ Cluster, ICT4EO, ISPRA, Northrop Grumman, VIEWS, Washington Univ
  • Contributing responses: CIESIN, Compusult, ESA, ESRI, GOES-R and GMU, INCOSE, NASA World Wind, NOAA NCDC GOSIC, NOAA SNAAP
  • Topics
    • Air Quality and Human Health
    • Proposing formation of a GEOSS Air Quality Community of Practice
    • Wildland fire example
    • AIRNow system proposed with interoperable interfaces
    • user-defined areas for selected variables calculated by WPS
    • SensorWeb which might apply best to AirQuality if the air sensors
    • State of environment, emissions, and human health.
    • intercontinental pollutant transport model
    • Decision system pattern for AQ
    • Global surfaces of population counts, densities, and quality measure of population-weighted mean geographic unit area, at two scales.
    • Development of RM-ODP viewpoint descriptions

Further Analysis



Phil Dickerson, EPA (attending kick-off)
Tim Dye, Sonoma Technology, Inc.


  • Mentioned Northern California Fires of 2008
  • Interested in working with GEO AIP community to refine scenario.


Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
  • Interested in further definition for KML, WCS, WMS and other relevant GEO standards for air quality data.
  • Want to work with GEO AIP to develop interoperable tools and techniques to include "non-traditional" data in AIRNow
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
  • AirNow (AirNow Gateway)
  • AirNow-International (AirNow Info-service)
Test Facility

ESIP AQ Cluster


  • Stefan Falke, Northrop Grumman/Washington Univ. (attending kick-off)
  • Rudy Husar, Washington Univ. (attending kick-off)
  • David McCabe, EPA (attending kick-off)
  • Frank Lindsay, NASA (attending kick-off)
  • Erin Robinson, Washington Univ.
  • Phil Yang, George Mason Univ.



Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
Test Facility


Key Personnel

  • Dr A Vahed, Meraka Institute, CSIR
  • Deshendran Moodley, School of Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal
  • Dr. Andreas Wytzisk, 52 North


  • Sub-Saharan Africa fires


Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
  • Global TRMM precipitation anomolies
  • Global EO-1 imagery
  • Landsat-based high resolution model of Mozambique region
  • Envisat radar
  • Real time weather data and forecasts from the South African Weather Service
  • potentially Mozambique National Institue of Meterolology
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
  • OGC Sensor Web Services
  • potentially fire detection and dispersion model services
  • potentially fire danger index services
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
Test Facility


Key Personnel

  • dr. Nico Bonora
  • ing Michele Munafo


  • emissions
  • human health
  • territory monitoring and phenomena analysis
  • internaitonal pollutant transport
  • historical monitoring data analysis
  • urban green quantification


Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
  • testing a near real-time (hourly) data access from quality monitoring network
  • Italian National Environmental Information System (SINA) based on the European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONet)
  • DEM
  • land use/cover
  • administrative boundries
  • urban sprawl
  • multitemporal remote sensing coverage
  • WMS?
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
  • ISPRA web GIS portal (map visualization)
Test Facility

Northrop Grumman


  • Stefan Falke, Northrop Grumman (attending kick-off)
  • Glenn Higgins, Northrop Grumman
  • Aaron Swanson, Northrop Grumman (attending kick-off)
  • Brian Dunn, Northrop Grumman (attending kick-off)


Smoke monitoring, forecasting and AQ impacts


Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
  • WCS to smoke forecast output
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
  • SOS for sensor metadata
  • WCS to smoke forecast output
  • Internet2 application and use
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
  • PULSENet Sensor Web Client
Test Facility


Key Personnel

  • Shawn McClure, CIRA (attending kick-off)
  • Tom Moore, WRAP (attending kick-off)


  • intercontental pollutant transport
  • exceptional events
  • projected air quality trends


Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
  • VIEWS/TSS metadata management
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
  • VIEWS/TSS data access (WMS, WFS, WCS)
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
  • VIEWS/TSS visualization and analysis
Test Facility

Washington Univ

Key Personnel

  • Rudy Husar, Washington University (attending kick-off)
  • Erin Robinson, Washington University
  • Kari Hoijarvi, Washington University
  • Stefan Falke, Washington University (attending kick-off)



Catalogues, Clearinghouse, Metadata
Data Product Access: service, schema, encoding
Sensors and Models Access: service, schema, encoding
Workflow for derived product and alert generation
Test Facility