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From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Revision as of 12:48, February 22, 2008

We have been invited to help form at air quality "team" at the upcoming AccessData Workshop. This meeting will be held at the Embassy Suites Hotel Downtown in Portland, Oregon, April 30 - May 3, 2008. The theme of this year's workshop is Global Climate Change and IPY.

The purpose of the AccessData workshop is to facilitate the use of Earth system data in secondary, undergraduate, and graduate education. As the core activity of the meeting, participants are grouped into small teams of 5-7 people representing the roles of data provider, tools specialist, scientist, curriculum developer, and educator. Through team interactions, participants learn about current data use and perceived needs from other groups' perspectives. Each team works together prior to the workshop through some introductory teleconferences and during the workshop to outline an educational module that utilizes existing data and tools represented by team members. Modules outlined by each team will become new chapters in the Earth Exploration Toolbook. We would also like to assist you in creating DataSheets for some of the datasets that you work with. ( http://serc.carleton.edu/usingdata/about_datasheets.html), http://serc.carleton.edu/usingdata/browse_sheets.html). "Advertising" the availability of your datasets in the form of DataSheets can increase demand for your data by make them more usable to educators and students.

In order to facilitate participation in the workshop, we provide either full or partial support for travel, lodging, and meals. You can find more information about the workshop and our previous workshops (this will be the fifth) at http://serc.carleton.edu/usingdata/accessdata/workshop08/index.html.

Please let me know when you can schedule a time to talk with me about having your organization or research team participate in this workshop opportunity.

Thanks, Tamara Shapiro Ledley AccessData, PI ___________________________________ Tamara Shapiro Ledley, PhD Senior Scientist, TERC 2067 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02140 phone: 617-873-9658; fax: 617-349-3535