Water Information Domain Community Discuss
Water Information Domain Community Discussion – July 9, 2009 ESIP Summer Meeting
The water information domain landscape is evolving: How do we organize the community to help create interoperable ways of accessing and disseminating data - designed to provide information for decision-making - built as a system-of-systems designed to integrate data and observations from numerous government and non-government sources?
At the ESIP Summer 2009 Meeting USEPA will lead a session that:
- Reviews important developments, including
o New access tools and activities including new sensor and model integration approaches o Legislative and executive Agency developments o Informatics approaches (e.g., standards “grid”; ontology software, semantic web, integration applications etc) o Water data availability
- Review areas of active collaboration
- How do we coordinate and build community?
- Inform GEOSS discussion related to water and climate change?
Next Steps
- Further meetings and consultations
- Wiki deployment
- Plan a water data summit?
- Continue discussions through-out day (July 9th)
Contact William Sonntag sonntag.william@epa.gov or 202 564 3871