Virtual Presence
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Subgroup Members:
- Stefan Falke
- Rob Raskin
- Peter Fox
Issues to Be Addressed:
- Issues related to how we engage people; transparency; communication
- At all levels – Federation level – cluster/activity level
:*How does ESIP operate?
- Pathways to participation – need description of who we are; what we do; where you might fit
- Orientations for new members – liaison with new members
- Community Engagement Committee
- Partnership Committee – follow through
- Motivate people to get involved; get partners to want to participate - technology is not the limiting factor
- must be able to articulate member benefits
- clusters/working groups need to meet partner needs
- wiki enabled sharing information/collaboration - met a need that was previously done by file sharing, in-person meetings, telecons, listservs - now using all together to engage many people
- AQ Cluster has used wiki extensively; in addition, now AQ AIP using Google Sites
- stay open to embracing new technologies as they evolve
- ESIP breaks down competitive barriers; okay to collaborate
- The Wiki Is Good for...
- Archival function
- Anyone can edit/add
- Information delivery - dyanmic content (near real-time; shared content)
- Coordination & Collaboration
- Wiki Limitations
- Not a good entry point into cluster activities/ESIP Federation at this point (other technologies can deal with this better)
- Need a top level entry point
- Orientation for New Members
- what is ESIP? (collaboration, value, grassroots)
- how can I get involved?
- how can I start a new group?
- convey how we use virtual means/technologies to carry on business
- role of Partnership? - need to connect with new Partners
- role of Type Reps?
- role of Committee Chairs?
- examples of things ESIP has done (all levels - ESIP, committees, technical, clusters, wgs, policy, state of activity)
- stories/metrics
- sum of the parts is greater than the whole (this idea needs to be better developed; what value does ESIP add?)
- collaboration across sectors, domains, technologies is value add that the ESIP Federation provides (AQ GEOSS as one example of success & the evenutal creation of an AQ Community of Practice)
- leveraging resources
- We are really talking about internal engagment
- technologies are enablers, not the reason we exist
- our role is to provide value to our sponsors, benefits to our members
- What might replace the Community Engagement Committee?
- Collaboration metrics committee?
- Collect our own metrics - outcome/output based?
- How to capture *new* metrics? - collaboration; multi-agency
- Wiki provides paper trail of collaborations
- Okay to talk about anecdotes
- ESIP as an incubator
- ideas seeded in ESIP Federation - they might mature elsewhere
- filling gaps; being at the cutting edge
- sharing of technology - openess
- What needs to be done to improve ESIP's virtual presence
- for conducting its business
- for communicating with external audiences
- Not really talking about technology - this section needs to be about how the ESIP Federation operates