
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Virginia Military Institute; BS Physics 1984 University of Oklahoma, Norman; USAF Weather Officer Training 1986-1987 Christopher Newport University; MS Applied Physics 1994

Served in current position for 10+ years as Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI) Senior Software Engineer at the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC), NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton VA.

-Created Applications and architectures for archiving and distributing HDF4, HDF5, and NetCDF Atmospheric Science Satellite data (Enterprise JAVA Beans, PostgreSQL-PostGIS Database, JSP)

-Primary architect and developer of ASDC's Search and Subsetter Applications and Spatial-Temporal metadata databases for Level 2 Satellite data products for the CALIPSO, CERES, TES, and MOPITT Satellite Instrument teams.