History of ESIP Activities
Attended first ESIPFed meeting in July, 2012, virtually; will attend Jan 2013 meeting virtually. Member of Info Quality Cluster.
Interests and Expertise
San Jose State University student; getting a Master's in Library and Information Science with an interest in data curation of geoscience datasets. Currently a software tester at cytobank.org (web archive for flow cytometry experiments). Previous experience at NASA ARC, CTAS; NASA GSFC, GDAAC (MODIS); NASA JSC, MOD (Space Station Freedom); NASA Reston (Space Station Freedom).
Have done some work on historic sea ice data (transcribing 1851 whaling log and mapping in KML); completed research project on data quality metadata standards for geoscience data; interested in working on information quality metadata for geoscience data (possibly as my thesis).