Use Case 20: Manage Experts
Use Case EIE20: Manage Experts
ESIP Earth Information Exchange
Version 1.0 draft
Prepared by Karl Benedict
Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico
November 22, 2005
1.Use Case Identification
1.1.Use Case Number
1.2.Use Case Name
Create, modify, and delete entries in the portal for domain experts accessible for user queries.
2.Use Case Definition
Provide a user interface for the self-registration of domain experts into the portal as knowledge resources. Registered experts would then be published through a review process for the portal.
- Provider (Expert)
- Operator (Reviewer)
- 1.'Expert' is already registers with the portal as a user
- 2.'Expert' has been authenticated
- 1.'Expert' knowledge resource has been added to /modified/ or deleted from the service registry.
- 2.The change in service is reflected in subsequent service queries.
2.4.Normal Flow
- EIE20.0.1) User (Expert) logs into the portal as a portal member
- EIE20.0.2) User enters portal area where products and services may be registered
- EIE20.0.3) User selects the option to register a new 'expert' service
- EIE20.0.4) User completes a service registration or update form and submits it for review.
- EIE20.0.5) Operator (reviewer) reviews and publishes the new or updated service.
2.5.Alternative Flows
Service update:
- EIE20.1.1) User (Expert) logs into the portal as a portal member
- EIE20.1.2) User enters portal area where products and services may be registered
- EIE20.1.3) User selects the option to update an existing 'expert' service
- EIE20.1.4) The current service record is retrieved and presented for modification to the service provider
- EIE20.1.5) User completes update form and submits it for review.
- EIE20.1.6) Operator (reviewer) reviews and publishes the updated service.
Service deletion:
- EIE20.1.7) User (Expert) logs into the portal as a portal member
- EIE20.1.8) User enters portal area where products and services may be registered
- EIE20.1.9) User selects the option to delete an existing 'expert' service
- EIE20.1.10) The current service record is retrieved and presented to the user for confirmation of the service deletion
- EIE20.1.11) User confirms the deletion
- 1.Authentication information associated with an addition, modification, or deletion request is not consistent with user privileges or existing service ownership. Log the event and terminate request.
- 2.Service requested for modification or deletion does not exist. Log the event and terminate the request.
2.7.Extension Points
2.9.Frequency of Use
Invoked once per session
2.10.Business Rules
- 1.Service providers must be registered with the system as a user.
- 2.Deletion of a user removes all Expert services associated with that user.
- 3.Service provider must respond to an automated availability verification at a regular time interval (i.e. monthly) for their service to remain discoverable.
- 4.Contact information for service provider must be verifiable
2.11.Special Requirements
The Expert services managed through this use case are based upon a human resource that would respond to requests provided through standard (telephone, e-mail, post) communication methods.
2.13.Notes and Issues
Criteria for validation of expert services need to be established so that both service providers and operators responsible for publishing advertisements understand and apply these criteria.