Use Case 11: Spatial Search
Use Case EIE11: Spatial Search for Data
Earth Information Exchange
Version 1.0 draft
Prepared by John Kozimor
Nov. 11, 2006
Revision History
Reason For Changes
John Kozimor
Initial Draft
1.Use Case Identification
1.1.Use Case Number
1.2.Use Case Name
Spatial Search for Data
2.Use Case Definition
This use case describes the spatial search capabilities within the GOS framework.
- 1.Portal User
- 1.User has browser access to GOS
2.3.Post Conditions
- 1.Geographic searches yield accurate, timely results
2.4.Normal Flow
Users have the option to manually define a search extent with map controls, or to use the Find Tool to specify the search criteria. Below is a list of searches available through the My Geography Search Portlet within GOS.
- 1.Define extent by drawing a bounding box or zooming to location
- 2.Find a Place (City)
- 3.Find an Address
- 4.Find a Township
- 5.Find a BLM District
- 6.Find a Forest Service Region
- 7.Find a Latitude/Longitude
To define a search extent with map controls users will apply the following steps.
- 1.Select the search tab from the GOS homepage
- 2.Draw the desired spatial extent in the My Geography – Define Spatial Search Area Map, or zoom to desired extent.
To use the Find Tool to specify the search criteria user will apply the following steps.
- 1.Select the search tab from the GOS homepage.
- 2.Click the Find Link within the My Geography – Define Spatial Search Area.
- 3.Select search type from the list of Find Search Options.
- 4.Execute Search by clicking the Find Button.
2.5.Alternative Flows
- 1.Users have the option to refines searches by adding temporal, parametric, and free text search criteria to the spatial search.
- 2.A Spatial Frame option exists within the Advanced Search Options. The Spatial Frame option enables users to define if the spatial extent of the metadata record can partially overlap the spatial search area or if the metadata record extent must fall completely inside the spatial search area.
- 1.Registered GOS users have the option to bookmark spatial searches for future use. Non registered users do not have this option.
- 2.If the find tool returns multiple results the user has the option to select the appropriate result.
- 3.If the find tool returns no matching results, a message will appear requesting the user to supply different information.
2.7.Extension Points
- 1. Temporal Search for Data
- 2. Parametric Search for Data
- 3. Free Text Search for Data
2.9.Frequency of Use
1 to 5 Times per user session
2.10.Business Rules
2.11.Special Requirements
The Spatial Search Use Case is drafted from the GOS perspective.