Usage-based Data Discovery - Episode 5
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Telecon Objective
Design the ESIP Summer Hackfest: Cooking with Graphs
What Do We Have So Far?
- Use Cases: lots
- Hackfest sessions: 3
- People: some
Hackfest Plan
Types of Teams
- Cooks: create an end to end application with graph database, relationship content, API, (UI)
- Menu Designers: design User Experience using one or more wireflow diagrams
- Foragers: find dataset-usage relationships underpinning the use cases
- Local machines or ESIP AWS? Both
- One team per type, or multiple? Depends on signup
- Team "spirit guides"? Beth, Doug, Chris, TBD
- Suggested use case for Implementation Team? Chris to write up flood assessment use case
- Suggested use case(s) for UX team? Anyone they want.
- Let foraging explore whatever they want?
- Yes, but feed results to other teams if related to their use cases.
- Checkpoint before session #2 to see if any are useful.
- Mise en Place (Provisioned ingredients)
- Some dataset-usage relationships for Implementation Team(s): how many? from whom? what format?
- Icons for wireflow designing: who to supply?
- Google Slides doc(s) for UX group: who to setup?
- AWS accounts?
- Or software packages for laptops?
- Others?
Prep Work
- Assemble and preposition ingredients: who? when?
- Icons for wireflows
- Initial set of relationships
- Instructions
- Team signup sheet: Done
- Know-before-you-go: TBS
- Advertisement to community: Chris, via Sched
- Other?