Usage-based Data Discovery - Episode 4

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


  1. Welcome Back (5 min)
  2. Report on EO Knowledge Graph research at UAH (20 min)
    1. Presentation: Media:KG Overview - ESIP 05212020.pptx
    2. Paper (GCMD Keyword Recommender): Media:Gcmd_keyword_tool.pdf
    3. Paper (Analogy-based Assessment of Domain-specific Word Embeddings): Media:Analogy_based_Assessment_of_Domain_specific_Word_Embeddings.pdf‎
    4. Graph Sandbox
  3. Quick look over collected Use Cases (10 min)
  4. More details on the July meeting hackfest (15 min)
    1. Use case for coders
    2. Use cases for non-coders
    3. How do teams work together? Cluster-donated use cases may be most suitable for teams
    4. How many do we expect in the hackfest teams?
      1. Individuals
      2. Small teams
      3. Large teams - what is the largest feasible?
    5. Team Roles
      1. Lead sketcher
      2. Facilitator
      3. Contributors
    6. Logistics
      1. There will be breakout rooms
      2. Written instructions in each room
      3. Slack channel
    7. Outstanding Questions
      1. How to split up work across sessions?
      2. How to recruit?
      3. How to sign up for teams