Usage-based Data Discovery - Episode 3
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
In-meeting notes:
This month’s telecon will be mostly about planning. Specifically, we need to plan the following things:
- What is our end-to-end roadmap?
- Would some short related talks be useful to further our thinking? Should we schedule one month’s meeting for them exclusively, or sprinkle them in, one per month?
- Can we translate the roadmap to a month-by-month schedule?
- What should we submit as an ESIP Summer session?
- April: Develop template for User Stories + User Experience (USUX)
- Who is the user
- What is their goal
- What systems do they interact with
- user input <-> system output
- what eventual success looks like for that interaction
- May: Develop End-to-end User Stories and User Experience description
- using template
- focused on precipitation related stuff
- e.g., floods (disaster tie-in)
- including the Serendipity Use Case (where we happen across new uses for the relationships by exploring them)
- June: Identification and inventory of contributions
- Small samples that are easy to inspect
- Large corpora for tools
- Known examples include dataset-paper connections from GES DISC and ESDIS
- July: Hackfest to develop proofs of concept (see below)
- August: Take stock and plan next segment of roadmap
ESIP Summer Session
Hackfest for Everybody (not just coders)
- Type 1: User interfaces working off graph data collected in June, following Use Cases from May
- Type 2: Wrangling graph data into existing User Interfaces
- Collaborations of coders with non-coding product owners strongly encouraged
- Solicit other clusters in above
Potential Talks
- UAH ITSC: Knowledge Graphs for EO
- Linda van den Brink (OGC) – Linked Data Five Years from Now
- etc.
Action Items
- Beth and Chris: Develop Template for Use Cases
- Doug: Distribute recipe for working with large graph corpus