Usage-based Data Discovery - Episode 3

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

In-meeting notes:

This month’s telecon will be mostly about planning. Specifically, we need to plan the following things:

  1. What is our end-to-end roadmap?
  2. Would some short related talks be useful to further our thinking? Should we schedule one month’s meeting for them exclusively, or sprinkle them in, one per month?
  3. Can we translate the roadmap to a month-by-month schedule?
  4. What should we submit as an ESIP Summer session?


  • April: Develop template for User Stories + User Experience (USUX)
    • Who is the user
    • What is their goal
    • What systems do they interact with
    • user input <-> system output
    • what eventual success looks like for that interaction
  • May: Develop End-to-end User Stories and User Experience description
    • using template
    • focused on precipitation related stuff
    • e.g., floods (disaster tie-in)
    • including the Serendipity Use Case (where we happen across new uses for the relationships by exploring them)
  • June: Identification and inventory of contributions
    • Small samples that are easy to inspect
    • Large corpora for tools
    • Known examples include dataset-paper connections from GES DISC and ESDIS
  • July: Hackfest to develop proofs of concept (see below)
  • August: Take stock and plan next segment of roadmap

ESIP Summer Session

Hackfest for Everybody (not just coders)

  • Type 1: User interfaces working off graph data collected in June, following Use Cases from May
  • Type 2: Wrangling graph data into existing User Interfaces
  • Collaborations of coders with non-coding product owners strongly encouraged
  • Solicit other clusters in above

Potential Talks

  • UAH ITSC: Knowledge Graphs for EO
  • Linda van den Brink (OGC) – Linked Data Five Years from Now
  • etc.

Action Items

  • Beth and Chris: Develop Template for Use Cases
  • Doug: Distribute recipe for working with large graph corpus