UsabilityCluster/MonthlyMeeting/2018-04-04 MeetingNotes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Meeting Agenda - Usability Cluster - 2018-04-04 1PM EDT

Attendees: Tamar Norkin, Connor Scully-Allison, Madison Langseth, Sophie Hou


  1. Review of cluster slides
  2. Review of Connor's content for the "Test Introduction" and "Pre-test survey" sections of his usability test script
  3. Presentation on "Journey Mapping"
  4. Discussion of the Framework's "Post-Test Reflection" section


1. Review of cluster slides

    • 4 Pages Follow format that ESIP Leadership Wants us to Use
    • We don’t need to send it out to everyone to review
    • Page 1
      • Leadership : Madison, Sophie and Connor
    • Page 2
      • 1st question: How do we apply usability techniques
      • 2nd question: Aggregate usability documents and resources
    • Page 3
      • Captions were applied to images
      • Work in Progress Products was changed to be Work in Progress
      • Sophie considers the idea that we could return to older projects and discover where they are at
      • Tamar asks about the progress made on Mars Trek UI/ Usability
      • Sophie goes over the progress of various projects on this page
        • RMAP has some progress
        • One-Stop is “the healthiest”: Sophie will be attending their workshop shortly
        • Madison : “It would be nice to hear one of these guys talk about how their usability studies affected the layout of their page and usability of their software”
        • Sophie: Will track down chair and ask question about that
    • Page 4
      • Talks with IEDA (Something in 2018)
      • Work with Connor’s QC data
      • Suggestion to add Joint Session with Info Quality cluster in ESIP Summer Session

2. Review of Connor's content for the "Test Introduction" and "Pre-test survey" sections of his usability test script

    • Connor was able to use the test framework’s example to create his first revision of the invitation for test users.
    • Connor investigated whether he would need IRB approval.
      • Software testing is exempt, but as an option, Connor was able to obtain a document from the University of Nevada that he could provide to his testers.
      • IRB requirement from University of Nevada asks for a test introduction script to be submitted, and he used a template and the Usability Test Framework to create this script.
      • Madison clarified that reading from a script is OK especially when the process is required by the IRB.
      • Bob added that it would be helpful to give a brief description of the software’s function in the test introduction script.
      • Connor noted that it would be helpful to show how an IRB form could be prepared.
        • Bob and Sophie agreed that it would be good to provide a simple sample, so that the information does not overwhelm people and at the same time, remind people that they will need to follow their institutional requirements as well.
      • Connor suggested that we could evaluate and provide a list of common elements for an IRB form.

3. Sophie’s Journey mapping: Video Recording of Talk

    • Journey Map is a visualization of a end-to-end set of interactions with some software
    • It’s important to includes how people feel when they are working with your system
    • There are many ways to render a journey map
    • Common elements:
      • The Lens
        • The type of person using this software (persona)
      • The Experience
        • Designed to examine the structure of the journey and the quantity of the touch points
      • The Insights Zone
        • Opportunities for improvement which come from Zone A and B
    • Sharing Sam as a scientist in need of sharing thier data - Lens
    • Activities, Thinkings, and Touch points (The Experience)
      • Pain chart representing the hardest parts of the activities
    • Opportunities for Improvement
      • A usage tracking system or self help system
    • Additional Elements
      • The Experience
        • Channels (Related to Touch points) Very specific ways that people interact with your software (Web App, Mobile App, Other People)
        • Moments of truth: Items that can be defined from the thinking portion. Make or break moments with our users.
          • Eg: Citations, Elegibility (If users can’t get these easily they will leave)
    • General Approach
      • Start with team and scope
      • Internal Investigation
        • What is the correct scenario, persona, phases, quotes
        • Understand the bounds set by the problem domain
      • Assumption Formulations
        • Workshop with stakeholders
        • Share what is found with lab representatives
      • External Research
        • All the remaining pieces for an effective map
    • Other Mapping Methods