UsabilityCluster/MonthlyMeeting/2017-06-07 MeetingNotes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Attendees: Madison Langseth, Karen Hanson, Tamar Norkin, Reid Boehm, Bob Downs, Sophie Hou
1. Review Usability Test Framework progress Thus Far
- We have started / provided more content for the first three sections.
2. Start Developing the “Usability Test Itself” Section of the Framework
- Thinking about making this section more of an annotated bibliography of resources.
- It might be helpful to provide recommendations for structuring the task (how to phrase the tasks for users).
- Sophie’s instructor gave general guidelines for writing the tasks. Is there a more structured way to do this? Is there a method or format for constructing tasks?
- The general format given was “If you would like to [achieve a selected goal], what would you do?”
- Bob: The most important thing is making sure that you don’t “lead the witness.” Inexperienced facilitators of usability tests may tell the participants what it is that they are expecting. The opposite can also happen where you are not giving them enough information so that they can start their task. Best thing is to have a script in hand that you will follow and not saying what comes to mind.
- It is also important to keep the session flexible so that the questions could be updated during the session as users provide feedback through thinking-aloud.
- Rachel would be a good resource to ask about this.
- Madison agreed that it would be helpful to write down the questions in such a way that the questions could be reviewed before testing them with the users.
- Providing help when users are stuck would be a useful guideline to add to our framework.
- Might be an indication that the task is too broad. Limit task to a very specific actions.
- Doing a cognitive walkthrough prior to doing the usability test to help break down tasks into simpler parts.
- It might be a good idea to go through your tasks as if you were one of the subjects. Also, pilot tests are important.
3. Planning for the "Usability Work-a-thon" Session at the Summer Meeting (Possible Activities):
- The session will be Tuesday, July 25th 9:30am
- Report Out from the RMap team regarding the team's experience with the Framework (~5 minutes)
- They won’t have performed any usability tests at this point, but can talk about the process of developing the test using the framework.
- Introduction of the Usability Test Framework (5 - 10 minutes)
- Creation of a new test script for the Data Management Training Clearinghouse (~45 minutes)
- Introduction to the Data Management Training Clearinghouse
- Explanation of goals for performing usability testing using the Data Management Training Clearinghouse
- Critique of the Current Content and Discussion of the next steps for the Framework (15 minutes)
- Completion the "Post-Test Reflection" section (can be reserved for the next monthly call as needed)
4. Coordinate with RMap team regarding ESIP Summer Meeting sessions - Reviewing current draft of the test script based on the Usability Test Framework
- Still need to define the tasks.
- Sophie: These are the steps that you would like people to take, but there are limited options on the interactive mockups. First question: As you look at the mockup, what are you thinking? What do you think you can do?
- Two generic cases: users will say the things that you expect or they will say things that you never thought of. Think of questions to respond to these two groups. For the second group, you’ll want to ask questions to get them to tell you more about what they are thinking and seeing.
- Possible tasks:
- If you were to try to enable the social link what would you do first?
- What does the social link do for the user?
- We are also assessing the labeling of the mockup. If people don’t understand the vocabulary, we want to know that. Instead of using the name of the link, describe the end goal.
- Question could be: Do you think more information or links are needed here? If so, where would you put them and how would you do it?
- If you would like to add social media information to a user’s profile, what would you do?
- The usability session is not testing OSF, but testing whether or not someone would think about adding RMap links.
- Try avoiding the word “social” since it is on the page. If you want to provide additional information what do you think your options are?
- The goal is to see if when people see “RMap” if they will click it and if they do, do they like the functionality that it provides.