The PHAiRS Project - SOA for the delivery of regionalized dust forecast data to public health professionals
The Public Health Applications in Remote Sensing (PHAiRS) project has developed an end-to-end Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) that acquires, processes, and delivers a variety of environmental data products to public health end users through the SYRIS syndromic surveillance system and a custom web interface. One particular area of effort in the PHAiRS project has been in the development of a regionalized dust forecast model (the DREAM model) for the Southwestern US, the products of which are the key environmental data products delivered by the system. This workshop will highlight the components of the SOA, the products and services developed by the project, and the interoperability lessons learned through the work of the project team from the University of Arizona, UNM's Earth Data Analysis Center, and George Mason University (separately funded through a related interoperability project funded by NASA's Geosciences Interoperabilty Office).
Presenter: Karl Benedict, Earth Data Analysis Center (UNM)
Time: 45 minutes