Telecon 10.07.13 materials

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Workshop Planning Telecon

Workshop title

"Research Priorities for the Science Data Enterprise"

Workshop invitation, goals

Proposed text:

"The ESIP Federation, with support from the Moore Foundation, LASP?, DataONE, the Board on Research Data and Information and the National Consortium for Data Science, is convening a one-day workshop to scope a study that would be done by the National Research Council in 2014-2015 on Research Priorities for the Science Data Enterprise. The workshop seeks to:

  • Define the primary emphases of an Academy study (domains, practice, priorities for research and funding, infrastructure)
  • Identify some of the grand challenges in scientific data infrastructure
  • Articulate why a study of these issues is needed now
  • Define the stakeholders of the study
  • Provide input on procedural issues for moving forward with an Academy study, beginning later in 2014. (secondary goal)

The results of the workshop will be documented in a formal report, including highlights of key inputs from workshop participants and consensus recommendations made by its participants. The workshop report would be presented to the NRC’s Board on Research Data and Information and made available broadly throughout the Earth and environmental science community, and beyond.

The workshop will be held on January 7, 2014 in Washington, DC and will bring together distinguished participants, representing broad stakeholder interests and thought leaders in the field of data science and supporting infrastructure. The workshop will be facilitiated by William Michener, University of New Mexico Libraries and PI, DataONE."

  • Should we mention the scope issue, environmental or broader, or leave to be discussed?


  • Report for the BRDI
  • Publishable paper from ESIP
    • What vehicle to target?

Other goals?

  • Have stakeholders represented at outset and throughout, broad agency engagement
    • Use subsequent ESIP meeting to address this?
    • Provide a web page for community input

Workshop content

  • Does workshop need info from NRC about vehicles?

Workshop process

  • Provide anything to attendees in advance of workshop?
  • Rappourteur, transcript?

Number of attendees

  • 18?

Potential Invitees

There is an editable list of candidates the doc RP4SDE (short for Research Priorities for the Scene Data Enterprise):

  • Approach a congress person?
    • Invite to ESIP meeting?
    • Ask Brian Wee


  1. week of 10/7: finish list of invitee names, make A, B, C groups
  2. week of 10/15: get 'save the date' invitations to invitees, finalize questions for workshop

???: create a web page for community input

Resulting Action Items

  • Paul: list specific issues on which we want input from attendees e.g., degree of funding, length of study
  • Carol to send out invitation to all invitees
  • Anne, Erin, Chris, Carol, Bill: Follow up with invitees individually 3 -4 days later (see column 'Follow-up Email' in spreadsheet)
    • We need an email address and 'follow-up email' designate for Chris Greer