Telecon 10.03.13 materials
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- EOS article:
- Outline is Anne J's hands, expect to hear back week of 10/14 or possibly sooner
- Peter provided contact to Publication Director, who is away until 10/14, darn!! Cold contact designates??
- Workshop
- Held planning telecom with Bill Michener
- BRDI response, Paul
To Do
- Decide working group name, we need to move away from 'decadal' language
- Workshop title, same as above? Carol: "Research Priorities for the Science Data Enterprise" ?
- Flesh out list of stakeholder roles/invitees
- A schedule for moving forward, e.g., send invitations 10/15
- Start forum for community input
- What questions to ask the community?
- Prototype a page?