Telecon 09.26.13 materials
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
DDS 9.26.13 Updates
EOS piece
- Link to latest draft, draft 4:
- Anne Johnson, our RENCI in-house writer
- Anne, Carol, Chris, Bob to finish outline, deliver to Anne Johnson (RENCI writer)
- planning for a) being able to publish before AGU, b) having to publish after AGU
Regarding publication in EOS
- Important to engage w/ EOS now to ensure interest and focus
- Updates on approaching EOS editors/reps regarding publication
- Anne to ping Karen
Community input now to help scope workshop?
- A web page?
Carol spoke to the BRDI Board meeting
- fairly positive reaction, insights into Academy mechanisms
- D survey process might not be appropriate vehicle
Workshop funding
- $10K from Moore
- NSF Geo won't fund alone, but might pair with another division, maybe ACI
Becoming a working group
- Curt supports the effort, will speak with Carol
Resulting telecon notes, action items
EOS piece
- Anne W to ask for feedback from Anne J on outline before weekend to identify any needed course corrections DONE - Anne provided excellent feedback on the outline. Carol, Chris, Bob, and Anne W to work on outline and pass to Anne, perhaps next week.
- Anne (W) to ping an EOS editor directly
- Peter F has agreed to provide introduction
- If we don't get published before AGU it's not the end of the world as there are other avenues to publicize the effort, though there's still some hope
Proposed: a forum for the community to weigh in
As the workshop will be closed, we can provide a means for the community to speak. This could also provide some publicity.
- Attendees were in support of the idea
- We need a list of questions to ask the community. Anne to make a wiki spot for this. DONE:,_etc._before_the_January_workshop
Becoming a working group
- The Executive Committee meeting is the 2nd Thursday of the month
- We need a name for the working group before then 2nd Thursday of October. As we are not yet fully sure that a Decadal Survey is the best NRC vehicle, our name should be more general
- Anne to make a wiki for the name discussion. DONE:
Workshop funding
- NSF somewhat turned us down. We'll take NSF and NASA off the table and continue moving forward anyway
The workshop
- Next step: identify stakeholder roles we want to represented at the workshop. Anne to make wiki spot for this and populate w/ suggestions from prior meetings. DONE:
- Need to hear from Paul re: mechanisms, sensitivies, what the Academy needs
- Engage with Bill Michener now, Carol to reach out. DONE - we're are in the process of setting up a telecon w/ Bill
Next telecon
- Anne on travel next week (unless the government closes) and on leave the week of 10/7 - 10/11
- We'll schedule a telecon for Thursday, 10/17. If we don't need it we won't use it.
- Regularly scheduled telecon is Thursday, 10/24. If we don't need it we won't use it.