Telecon 05.23.13 materials
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Telecon Notes, Resulting Action Items
- Paul, Cheryl will find Decadal Surveys for us to review that are more like what we envision for the DDS
- not narrowly focused, but broad, distributed, much larger community
- There is now a separate section on the Panel Discussion wiki page to define the questions for the panelists, here: Questions_for_the_Panel.
- The June telecon will be the 3rd Thursday in June, 6/20, and NOT the 4th, 6/27
- That will be the final telecon before the panel discussion
- Notes by Denise (thank you, Denise!!): Telecon Notes
Working Notes
Panel Discussion Big Picture
(Please chime in!)
Panel goal
- Describe some options for a Data Decadal Survey wrt scope
- identify grand challenges
- Write that up?
- stimulate imagination of potential funders
- determine what a DDS could enable under various options
- determine funder view points
Would it worthwhile to end the panel discussion by inviting input from other ESIP members?
Panelist Invitations
- 4 voters voted
- We have sent an invitation to Dan Baker (LASP, Boulder), are awaiting a response, will ping on Tuesday
- Are asking to move Stan Ahalt (RENCI, a local) from other panel to this panel
- Upon hearing from Dan, will invite Michael Tiemann (Red Hat, a local)
- Carol to chat with Todd Vision (UNC, a local)
Panel Introduction/Motivation
Current Difficulties
- The usual stuff: can't find, insufficient stewardship, etc.
List of current efforts/collaborations
- DataONE, NSF
- Big Earth Data Initiative, BEDI, OSTP
- ...
List of material regarding reviews already conducted
- list of references
List of trends/challenges/opportunities for the future
- Unstructured vs structured data
- Increasing ubiquity of sensors
- Use of UAVs, drones to collect data
- Varying scales of data: nano, continental, and beyond
- Lack of sufficient decision making support
- Impact of open science, open publishing
- Highly connected world of phones, computers, cars, etc
- Citizen science
- ...
Introduction to a Decadal Survey
- The goal, process
A Data Decadal Survey
- What it might be
- Data lifecycle model
- We are here now to discuss scope
- How this is different from most other Decadal Surveys
- Most canvas entire smaller community, result in few large missions/facilities/research initiatives
- Here, we can't canvas entire community, is more distributed, small scale, PI driven, commercial and noncommercial