Talk:Candidate Technical Topics
- in order to persuade nodes to use server package, we need reference implementation(s) demonstrating that it works and is performant. Good news: we are pretty far along this road!
- need to read and write CF-compliant files easily
- python interface for unidata libcf?
- non-compressed data preferred
- many files vs. single file for queries
- mapping: many files -> single identifier
- some concerns that this might be too slow, will have to try and find a sensible balance
- queries might get very large (the only natural limit is the dataset/identifier)
- need to limit query size on server side (datafed browser: currently client side management)
- mapping: many files -> single identifier
--- discussion: purpose: protect server from unintelligent clients --- suggestion: link query restrictions to user connection; registered users could get additional benefits like larger query sizes; email information about tools (API) that allows them to do more intelligent queries
- query size estimator on server side?
- client library to chunk queries
Common NetCDF Python Interface, NetCDF4
- Kari cloned PyNIO interface for Windows, so no problem right now for cross platform development
- solve other problems first, keep an eye open
- NetCDF4 might make things more complicated if you try to use all features, might not be easily mappable to WCS concept
Delivery of other data formats, other input formats
- need to map other formats to WCS and/or CF concept
- differentiate between format (NetCDF) and convention (CF)
- chain with WMS server for default views/previews
revision tracking of Datasets
- always try to get current data when dealing with real time data, always expect your data to be old
- would be nice to have WCS field for "last updated" date, same for NetCDF/CF (global attribute?)
- we can make something up on our own for a start
- try to propose that for CF (and WCS)
--- related issue: intelligent harvesting of updates for catalogues (GI-cat); add "modification_time" to GetCapabilities metadata and allow for "updated_since <date>" request in DescribeCoverage. Note: this may be beyond current WCS standard specification.
Delivery of Point Station data
(see also WCS_Server_Software#WCS_Server_for_Station-Point_Data_Type)
- put logic/processing into SQL database as much as possible (views, stored procedures, etc)
- try to maintain unit tests for this
- need to discuss in more detail how this can be served using WCS (Paul/NILU)
--- discussion: new OGC standard for netcdf/CF1.6 allowing for representation of point data. Different views on the same data depending on who (which client) wants to access data: geodynamical fluid view = WCS; detailed description of feature = WFS; sensor based view = SOS
--- really important workshop outcome will be to outline the architecture of a future AQ network: what are server capacities? what are the requirements for the clients? Do we need/want brokers that can translate requests (for example an SOS request into a WCS/WFS request) or should this become a part of the server?
--- netcdf output of station data: see CF-netCDF-ExtensionFor-netCDF Data Model
technical Access restrictions to WCS
- HTTP Basic authentication
- API key
- does not have to be 100% secure, more about connecting with the users, knowing who they are and to establish an accepted way of accessing the data
- firewall whitelisting might be an option for small user groups
--- discussion: this is about sharing and exposing data - hence, data that shall not be openly accessible should not be put on the network in the first place. Unfortunately, reality is more complex: some AQ data are restricted and we risk loosing a lot of (free) data if we can't also accomodate for at least some restricted data.
--- more important in the short-term is user tracking: might allow for more specific services (bandwidth etc.), alerts, guidance, etc. - also important to demonstrate service use and convince funding agencies.
Relationship with other Servers
- write a wrapper to import data formats when needed
--- need to define which other servers we want to connect to.
WCS 2.0
- more modular: core and extensions
- potentially easier to use/implement?
- proper CF-NetCDF extension coming
Processing Services
- idea: community provides online processing service for their discipline
- not part of WCS, but separate service
- protocol: WPS (web processing service,
extended (Time) filtering
- day of week, hour of day, day of month,... (including ranges)
- describe non-standard features in capabilities document?
- might be difficult to get into official standard?
- does not/should not interfere with standard if you don't use it
time zone support
- server should be able to reprocess time axis time zone according to user request
- no option to do this on the user side as this will lead to too many mistakes made
- should be relatively easy to simply return time axis using the time zone from the request