Sustainable Data Management/20200612 telcon notes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
To connect
- Join from computer, tablet or smartphone at:
- Dial in using your phone: :United States: +1 (571) 317-3122
- Access Code: 618-011-013
- Review material sent by Shelley, plan next steps
- Make sure everyone can access Zotero and google drive docs
- Zotero group: TrustedFAIR
- google dir:
- Look for overlap between this work and ESIP session led by Kinkade/Lehnert/Wyborn:
- Margaret O'Brien (scribe)
- Ruth Duerr
- Nancy Hoebelheinrich
- Okia Daniels
- Shelley Stall
- Robert Downs
- Lesley Wyborn
- Corinna Gries
- Rebecca Koskela
- Danie Kinkade
- Kirsten Lehnert
- ESIP Session:
Session: Aligning data publishing workflows among repositories, publishers, funders, and researches
Goals: identify needed conversations and alignment goals. Originated in CDF.
- Session goals and how those might align with the project we are considering. They would like to
- enhance relationships between publishers, repos, funders - mostly to start/continue discussion.
- where are difficulties?
- what are next areas for discussion?
- consistent message to funders about what it means to meet publisher requirements.
- enhance relationships between publishers, repos, funders - mostly to start/continue discussion.
- Speakers/participants:
- To engage funders, organizers want to spell out what is needed from them. E.g., would like to see a realization that repos cannot be ephemeral. One future conversation could be on ways to enhance repo sustainability.
- note, added later by scribe: this is related to what the sustDM cluster does, but our focus is on mechanisms to sustain the data that repos hold, and we recognize that to some extent all repositories are ephemeral.
- ESIP is waiving reg fee for 2 speakers per session.
- Suggested from NSF: Peter McCartney, as he has attended ESIP before, and is on cross-directorate IT committees at NSF
- To engage funders, organizers want to spell out what is needed from them. E.g., would like to see a realization that repos cannot be ephemeral. One future conversation could be on ways to enhance repo sustainability.
Some of the outcomes of this ESIP session will probably fit well with our group
Action Items:
- give Danie a slide on the SustDM cluster works on (particularly current project) for her intro on repository activities [Margaret, also nominating Shelley]