Sustainable Data Management/20190412 telcon notes
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- ROI Paper
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- ROI Paper
- status: After some discussion late last year, we had reworked the text to be a methods-results-discussion paper. At that time, Cyndy added the results tables, and In Feb, she and Margaret reworked the intro tables (1 and 2, benefits and cost respectively) added a column in the results tables (tables 3 and 4) to link each metric to tables 1 and 2. Margaret did try to put the results into a plot, but it just did not work (too much overlap), so they remain a table.
There has been quite a bit of text-work, but some of it clearly does not match the methods-results-disc format, so will need some reworking
- Areas, work to do:
- intro:
- methods:
- results:
- Discussion
- tables
- any new citations? or papers we should ref? we need to be up to date on what else has been going on in this field.