Sustainable Data Management/20190412 telcon notes

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  1. ROI Paper
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  • ROI Paper
    • status: After some discussion late last year, we had reworked the text to be a methods-results-discussion paper. At that time, Cyndy added the results tables, and In Feb, she and Margaret reworked the intro tables (1 and 2, benefits and cost respectively) added a column in the results tables (tables 3 and 4) to link each metric to tables 1 and 2. Margaret did try to put the results into a plot, but it just did not work (too much overlap), so they remain a table.

There has been quite a bit of text-work, but some of it clearly does not match the methods-results-disc format, so will need some reworking

  • Areas, work to do:
  1. intro:
  2. methods:
  3. results:
  4. Discussion
  5. tables
  6. any new citations? or papers we should ref? we need to be up to date on what else has been going on in this field.

Action Items