Sustainable Data Management/20180209 telcon notes
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- Shelley Stall - progress of the FAIR data project
- Margaret O'Brien - report back from ESA/NSF workshop on sustainability plans for data repositories
- All: revisit plans for writing:
- ROI paper
- Data repository interoperability - 10 things
Margaret O'Brien, Corinna Gries, Nancy Ritchey, Cyndy Parr, Bob Downs, Shelley Stall, Anne Wilson
Issues discussed: We need a process for cleaning up the work we have already, getting more people to fill out the spreadsheet. we would like a few more people to contribute (eg, Danie, bcodmo?) but it might be confusing to them as is.
Original data was collected with this google form: but has been edited heavily since.
Spreadsheet results:
- Consider a "minimal set" of metrics:
- There are certain metrics that are useful for some repos in some situations, to some stakeholders. Could make a list”, suggesting that if these are easy, repos should go ahead and produce them. This is the minimal set.
- A second list: these are important, but don’t have a way to collect them. Future work.
- characterize metrics by A B C D, and their importance scores.
- Other communities:
- Is CDF recommending a minimal set? Do they have questions to go along with these?
If yes, then can then go to funders, and say this is the recognized set, we can do these. But not all repos will need to do all these.
- Core-trust seal of approval (context, what is going on right now).
- What are they already evaluating, how many overlap.
- A few project are addressing these already- eg, scopus, FAIR (shelley says tag A - querying repos about metrics and what goes on - policy, process).
- Some of ours match up with theirs - % adhering to std metadata spec
- FAIR project, metrics are very high level, related to publications
- does not have an interest in metrics at this level, but is a framework to show that the community is improving in their ability to deliver. Its a lagging indicator. If you put in policies, metrics show it eventually.
- Core-trust seal of approval (context, what is going on right now).
- categorization
- Lots of things you can measure (our list is about 50!), but no way you will measure all of them all the time
- But we want to give guidance on which parts of a list that you could use (depending on your goal).
- Eg, lets describe a good set of metrics for [BCO-DMO], and why. But if they take their repo in a different direction, metrics will change.
- also consider another section: for my repository's goal, here is what I would want to measure.
- Still need a writing lead.
- Cyndy Parr -
- Plant animal genome workshop, whole session on sustainability. Talks will be posted.
- Shelly - FAIR
- Reminder: Main goal of FAIR is to get journals to get away from using supplements, to elevate datasets to first class research projects. In a repo, well taken care of.
So now data in repos is becoming a really big deal.
- Working groups (called TAG = targeted action groups) are active
- They are just about ready to start sharing TAG outcomes with larger groups.
- Tag A/D repositories for researchers
- Building repository selection tool. There are researchers with no repo-relationship. So they need a tool to figure out which one. Decision tree. Pushing researchers toward domain-specific repos first, then to general. (note: this relates not to our cluster's metrics project, but to the repository landscape!)
- FAIR data inventory: for each element of FAIR, define what you need to know about a repo (metric) to place it on the FAIR scale.
- Jan 8 they did a [webinar?] Version of it was recorded.
- Working groups (called TAG = targeted action groups) are active
- Margaret
- attended ESA/NSF repository sustainability workshop
- group developing a reference guide for repos to develop their individual sustainability plans
- in progress, this cluster's experience can contribute.
Action Items
- ROI metrics:
- Make sure each line item is well described.
- Present them at esip - what does this thing mean to you, and would you like to measure it?
- other
- Watch FAIR webinar, Look for inventory, review it.