Sustainable Data Management/20161111 telcon notes
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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- Access Code: 618-011-013
- summaries/progress from the three subgroups,
- ESIP session
- Winter 2017 workshop
- Landscape -
- conversation with Michael Witt (10/18)
- plans to work with re3data
Present: Margaret O’Brien, Corinna Gries, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Ruth Duerr, Shelly Stall, Unknown caller (___)
- ESIP winter meeting
- one session planned by this group - the ROI group will start to assemble some background info on how existing repos (data centers) to document their ‘value’.. What kinds of metrics, what do they count, etc.
- They have 3 speakers proposed
- One speaker lined up so far, JPL (insert name here) does web mining to justify missions
- “Random walk thru nature”
- Winter 2017 workshop
- invitations out, collecting participants, anticipating a final date soon. Late Jan - Feb.
- ESIP winter meeting
- Landscape -
- conversation with Michael Witt (10/18)
- Shelly - update on the re3data dump, & her work with copdess. She is curating, but there is no way to sync back her changes to re2data. Michael Witt working on this.
- it will mean a change to re3data workings.
- They needed a group of use cases to figure out how to implement this. Our “landscape” is one of their use cases.
- Michael has sent a draft of what a use case should look like, from re3data’s point of view. Not ready to share widely yet.
- CDF is also working on a use case. They have a large need, so might hear from that crew as well. (CDF will meet at ESIP winter meeting.
- Shelly - update on the re3data dump, & her work with copdess. She is curating, but there is no way to sync back her changes to re2data. Michael Witt working on this.
- conversation with Michael Witt (10/18)
- no members present.