Sustainable Data Management/20160721 ESIP summer mtg
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Speakers:
- Bob Downs - intro/Beagrie 2016 -
- see "Resources" for Beagrie rpt
- slides:
- Anne Wilson - JISC report -
- see "Resources" for full report
- slides:
- Ruth Duerr - Lead in to next steps,
- Bob Downs - intro/Beagrie 2016 -
- Levels:
- storage
- archiving
- preservation
- curation
- Maturity:
{ref here}
- data services
- data checking
- metadata quality
- migration
Value of repo depends on a combination of their activities, and maturity. e.g.,.
- value should go up with higher levels, but how to quantify is difficult
- NASA L1-L4 levels.
Users: a similar degree of differences between their expectations/needs, and the value they might assign (or could be assigned to them)
- when companies do ROI, it is based on cost-to-produce, and they anticipate an amount in return. Ours: it costs $x to produce, and we give it all away. so no value is really known.
- Universities when economic impact for their existence: what methodology do they use?
- studies on NSDES - valuation of satellite data (economist with UCAR) - perhaps NASA has some of these also.
- NASA counts the number of citations that use some data products, but not monetary value (Rama)
- NASA efficiency metrics to OMB (Rama) - getting more efficient every year! budgets are flat, yet output goes up.
- assigning value: some businesses make large sums of $$ on public data. others have no monetary but large socitial value (eg, an sustainability researcher in E. Africa) - at a minimum, could these be cited?
- compare to BEDI project? Big Earth Data Initiative - were there some evaluation metrics?