Sustainable Data Management/20160513 telecon notes

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


2016 strategic plan - Draft here: 2016_SuustDMplan
anything to report? if not, likely could be finished at the end of the summer meeting, in our summary session.
ROI progress
ESIP summer meeting prep
Current sessions:
proposed, that this session be combined with another:


(from CP's memory, please correct)

  • Margaret OBrien
  • Cyndy Parr
  • Bob Downs
  • Lindsey Barbieri
  • Anne Wilson (Or Ann Chiu or both?)
  • Corinna Gries


1. ROI Update (From Nancy, via email):

We have had some progress on the ROI discussions based on a meeting on the 21st of April. Notes from that meeting are on the wiki in the ROI section. We've got another ROI call scheduled for May 26th at 9 am Pacific where we'll continue hearing from Anne Wilson on her presentation of the paper she's reviewing as well as hearing from Ruth Duerr and others as there is time. We're reviewing the references on this page of the wiki. Presentations should be posted there as well: .

2. Merging landscape session with 9132:

Guest: Lindsay Barberi, representing the group who proposed (Interdisciplinary Data Curation for Socio-Environmental Research). about integration of environmental data from disparate repositories (eg, social science data). After some discussion, group agreed that these two sessions were different enough to stay separated. Many of us want to attend both, so Lindsay will request that hers be moved to Tuesday early afternoon.

3. What will we do in the Landscape session?


  • Kerstin Lehnert: COPDESS-Re3DAta: Registry of Repositories
  • Margaret OBrien: Perspectives from Researchers
  • Data ONE: Perspectives of aggregators (Matt or Dave or Mark Servilla) <-- Cyndy emailed and Matt responded with a "yes"

Questions for discussion

  • How open are each of these repositories?
  • What will it take so can we get more data in there?
  • How to guide people to the right ones?
  • Additional fields to add to the registry to help? E.g. Certifications.
  • Any obvious gaps in services that we know of?