September 2017

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)


APPROVED: October 2017 meeting

September 2017

Members (BOLD means they were on the call)

    Emily Law, President

    Christine White, Vice President

    Helen Conover, Chair, Finance

    Danie Kinkade, Chair, Partnership

    Mike Daniels, Chair, Governance

    Matt Mayernik, Chair, Data Stewardship

    Shelley Olds, Chair, Education (Margaret Mooney)

    Rich Signell, Chair, IT & I

    Tracey Pilone, Chair, Nominations

    Beth Huffer, Chair, Semantic Technologies

    Erin Robinson, Staff

    Annie Burgess, Staff

    Bruce Caron, Staff

    Approval of Minutes
      Christine Moved, Beth Huffer Seconded.

    President’s Report

      2017 Summer Meeting was another big success. Kudos to the ESIP office and the student fellows. Duke Energy electric utility response team is seeking for relevant data sets to help inform their planning efforts to respond to Hurricane Irma’s potential impact. They are also looking for products to address damage assessment or other complementary information to NOAA’s Hurricane Center data. If you or know of others who can help, please contact Kari Hicks directly at Emily is attending joint meeting of the IEDA Science Community Committee and Technology Advisory Committee meeting. ESIP was mentioned as a platform for collaboration. They are interested in the Usability Cluster too.

    Staff Report

      FY18 Budget is coming together and will be shared at the end of September ESIP is part of AGU Arnold award to enable FAIR data and bridge gap between repositories and publishers (press release) NASA and USGS are in process of awarding new grants to support ESIP infrastructure Calls

      ESIP-led effort to build an Earth science preprint service is moving ahead toward the opening of its initial platform (OSF partnership) and governance team (open, multi-organizational input, international). has been donated (thanks Brandon!) and the EartharXiv twitter handle too (Thanks Chris Jackson!). A list of about 100 people who want to help lead is available (and you can join) <> . Looking to have this capability open by the Winter Meeting. Tom Narock is the lead. Tom has started an idea farming campaign on the ESIP Ideascale platform. So you can add your ideas and comments there too: <>

      ESIP Stories: Pat Reiff won the best ESIP story prize she has her new drone (well it’s waiting for her at Rice U). Staff is pulling story video snippets into the ESIP WeVideo Account to craft short What is ESIP, Why is ESIP, How does ESIP run, and 20th year (and we’re still here) videos, etc. HOP on WeVideo. Here is your invitation: <>

    Committee Reports

      Data Stewardship
        No committee call in Aug Data Management Training working group - Nancy H. is part of a pre-proposal for an IMLS submission (lead Karl Benedict).


        Focus: Explore and share technologies that aid data discovery, access and interoperability. Monthly talks/recordings listed on the ESIP Interoperability and Technology Committee Site. Previous meetings: “ERDDAP: Easier access to scientific data”, Bob Simons, NOAA (Aug 10); “ERDDAP Lightning Talks” (Aug 31) Next meeting: “JupyterHub and JupyterLab Developments”, Brian Granger, Cal Poly (Thursday, Sep 14, 3PM ET) Contact: Rich Signell,


        The committee is developing its budget. Great workshop at the summer meeting. 2 teachers received FUNding Friday awards. The OutToLunch (10 minute talks) is ongoing. These will happen every other Wednesday for 5 times. The theme for the workshop at next summer’s meeting: CODING! Coding in the classroom. Note that there was a great keynote FOSS4G talk by Joe Cheng (of rShiny fame) called “Coding as a First Resort”

      Semantic Tech

        Submitted annual budget with a focus on establishing working groups to handle issues related to the ontology portal(s) and SWEET maintenance, and the annual Geosemantics Symposium; Kicked-off the Earth Science Idol FUNding Friday project; we’re approaching this as a pilot project to help us develop processes for both ontology portal and SWEET improvements/maintenance/updates/alignment; Will begin planning for Geosemantics Symposium this month


        FiCom met with Governance (Mike Daniels and Bob Downs) and ESIP staff (Erin and Bruce) to review Policies and Procedures related to review Business and Finance policies on August 29.
          Minor revisions were suggested and accepted Finance Committee policy documents related to Committee and WG budgets will be incorporated into ESIP Policies and Procedures

        Four committee and WG funding requests received for FY2018, currently under review.

          Budget review is surfacing the need for better ways for ESIP committee members to share results of funded trips to non-ESIP meetings.


        ESIP Policies and Procedures draft is here. Ana Privette, the Governance Committee’s Type III representative, has accepted another job and resigned from our committee. The Committee initiated smaller review discussions of each of the P&P sections. To date, the reviews of the Business and Finance section (8/29/17) and Ethics and Conduct section (9/7/17) have taken place.
          During the Business and Finance section on 8/29/17, the main points were related to consistency of naming of entities and their roles as well as what is to be expected of the Finance Committee. All revisions discussed during the telecon have been completed. The Finance Committee’s policies wrt Committee and WG budgets will be incorporated into the ESIP P&P document. The review of the Code of Conduct section took place on 9/7/17. Main points included clarifying among individuals, members of an ESIP organization and members employed by ESIP. In addition, more work needed to be done on consequences wrt violations of the Code of Conduct. The Fundraising section needed significant overhaul as it related too much to historical ESIP issues. Bruce Caron modified this section based on the comments. Finally, a suggestion was made to identify in each policy who this policy applies to (e.g. under a heading of “Application of this Policy”). This is something that can be done as part of the merging/reformatting phase of the final P&P document. Next section is Human Resources. Thanks to all who provided comments on these documents prior to the telecon - they were very helpful!


        Met prior to the summer meeting as a committee and touched base during the meeting We have some names to get started Scheduled to have a “fall kickoff” meeting tomorrow 09/13 to include publicity/outreach, schedule for work, and set up of regular calls (bi-weekly) through elections.


        No August Call Tabled until fall - Partnership Operating Procedures/Rules/Etc Focusing on member survey, possible collaboration with Education Comm Membership applications: process changes need further investigation
          Partnership no longer receiving completed apps from surveygizmo. Solution: Bruce will create a calendar to do this on a regular basis.

    Other Business

      Summer 2018 Location - San Diego, CA July 17-20, 2018 Scripps is local host. More details here.

Adjourn at : 12:39.