
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

Screencasting info on DataFed List of Screencasts on DataFedwiki

A screencast is a digital movie on a computer screen in which the audio narration describes the on-screen action.
This is a community-maintained webpage of annotated bookmarks related to screencasting. This page is created from multiple RSS feeds from the social bookmarking site Each list below is filtered form by specific tag combinations.

Camtasia Recording Instructions

  1. Open Camtasia, choose record screen from start-up options.
  2. Select region of screen to record - Click next.
  3. Check audio box if narration is going to be used - Click next.
  4. Click effects to add cursor highlights and mouse clicks.
  5. Press red record button to start recording (Green corners flash)
  6. Press F10 to stop recording and view preview. You will then be able to edit the screencast and produce flash/avi final version.

Camtasia Produce Flash Video Instructions

  1. File -> Produce Video
  2. Flash
  3. Select the size of output movie, 800x600 is standard
  4. Name the movie and change location if desired
  • Note: if you want to include multiple pieces recorded and edited seperately, produce AVI's of all of them and then import media will allow you to add these to the clip bin.

Instructions To add a link a list

  • Use to bookmark the page. Sign up if not a member.
  • Tag it with the correct combination of tags including the 'earthscience' tag. The additional tag, earthscience, is added to filter pages that are tagged by our Earth Science community, eliminating the spurious links tagged the same way by others.
    • Tools: screencasting+software+tools+earthscience
    • Reference: screencasting+reference+earthscience
    • Resource: screencasting+resources+earthscience
  • It takes several minutes for the posted link to propagate through to the appropriate list.

Popular Screencasting Links

This is a list of the most popular pages tagged 'screencasting'. This 'popular' list is maintained by the social tagging website,, so it can not be changed. A good example application of social tagging.

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Screencasting Tools Links

Pages tagged screencasting+software+tools+earthscience.

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Screencasting Reference Links

Links to pages that cover different aspects of screencasting: purpose, approach etc. Failed to load RSS feed from Error parsing XML for RSS

Screencasting Resource Links

Links to general screencasting resource pages. Additional resource pages can be found under the popular pages tagged screencasting on

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Other Screencasts for ESIP?

Karl - Screencasts