SciFlo workflows, and ECHO Client for space/time granule query
SciFlo is a Grid workflow or Web Service choreography engine that is currently installed at a dozen nodes within NASA data centers and at several universities. Each node in the SciFlo network provides SOAP & REST services for space/time query of data granules, data caching, data access via ftp or DAP URL's, subsetting, and execution of submitted SciFlo documents. SciFlo's XML workflow documents can be authored in a text editor or by visual programming using a customizable layout tool, VizFlow, an AJAX application which runs in a browser.
Recently, we have developed a new EOS Clearinghouse (ECHO) client which allows the user to discover collections using keyword search, select a collection, perform a space/time query for granules in the collection, retrieve URL's to access the data, or submit an order if the data granules are off-line. These services are available for hundreds of collections from a dozen ECHO providers and enable large-scale, automated data query and access over years of Earth Science data.
SciFlo is agnostic about the question of REST versus SOAP services, and in fact provides both interfaces for all of its services. The one-line URL (REST) versions return results in either XML, python, or JSON, with the JSON being used to drive our AJAX GUI applications.
The presentation will briefly discuss and demo the capabilities of the SciFlo engine and network, the VizFlow authoring tool, and an application to aersosol data processing (AMAPS). Then we will demo the space/time query capabilities of the ECHO client, both the AJAX interface for humans and the automated, machine-to-machine interfaces.
Link to presentation on AQUA ECHO Client: AQUA_and_Interop_Talk.pdf