STC Showcase AIRNow-I space

From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

This page is for the development of a proposal on AIRNow-I for the GEO STC Showcase.


(Max 80 Characters)


The description of the proposed Showcase should give a concise and clear picture of the Showcase in terms of what it does, who does it, and what it contributes to the goals of GEO.


List all GEO Member Countries and Participating Organizations as well as institutions, agencies, and individuals who would support, if selected, the development of the Showcase for presentation

Showcase Justification

Added value from GEO

Describe briefly the added value GEO had in making this Showcase happen. Be as specific as possible.

Added value from STC

Describe briefly the added value STC had in making this Showcase happen

Summit Themes & Focus

Indicate the relation of the Showcase to the themes and focus of the Ministerial Summit agenda. This Summit will be celebrating the mid-term accomplishments derived from the execution of GEO 10-year Plan. There will also be a focus on the adequacy of the progress-to-date towards meeting the new GEO Targets.

Cape Town Declaration

Indicate how the proposal relates to the guidance of the Minsterial Summit in the Cape Town Declaration.

Global goals and assessments

Indicate how the Showcase supports global goals and assessments, e.g., the Millennium Development Goals, or assessments like the IPCC assessments

Filling gaps

Descripe how the Showcase supports GEOSS in filling in gaps, in engaging new end users, achieves added value, reduces costs, provides non-economic societal benefits and/or integrates data and information for new or improved uses.

Strong future GEOSS

Indicate in which way the Showcase provides an end-to-end benchmark for strong future potential for GEOSS.

Link to high-profile issues

Explain how the Showcase may be linked to high profile (political) issues of the day / political relevance to policy making.

Cross-cutting nature

Comment on the cross-cutting nature of the Showcase, if any. This could also include cutting across disciplines that do not traditionally work well with one another using existing and new observations with specially designed cross-disciplinary analysis tools.

Capacity building

Describe any capacity building aspects of the Showcase