Cluster/Work Group/Committee Name: Preservation and Stewardship Cluster
~# of people participating (both active contributors and passive listeners):
Mailing list: 66 Telecon: 12-17 Active: 12
1. What were the main activities of this group over the last year (2010)? Any big successes or highlights from the group? Any tangible outputs/work products?
Identifiers assessment and submitted journal article describing results -- Moving toward NASA ESDSWG recommendations Creation of the data management best practices Numerous talks/papers/posters on related topics by active members at various meetings, both ESIP and external In particular: AGU Townhall Meeting on Citations and NOAA Workshops Continuing Activities: Identifiers Assessment Testbed for Identifiers Citations Provenance and Context Content Standard
2. How did you record these activities (wiki, on another collaboration site, list-serv or private e-mail, no record)?
mailing list archive wiki journal article submitted with identifiers assessment results
3. Do you work with other organizations (GEO, OGC, etc.)? Is this primarily in a supporting role, peer-to-peer, or leadership relationship?
ESDSWG Tech Infusion focus group on long-term preservation -- peer-to-peer relationship
4. How do you engage new people in your group? Do you regularly invite new participation in your group?
Personal interactions Invitations at talks at professional meetings Occasional solicitation through other mailing lists.
5. How do you communicate within your group (wiki, list-serv, telecons, meetings, one-to-one e-mails, gotomeeting)? Do you have a standing meeting? If so when?
mailing list wiki Monthly telecons (2nd Wed of each month) Breakouts at ESIP meetings
6. What would make it easier to work within your group (calendar of events, task list, easier editor, RSS feeds for events or news, forums, staffing, more volunteer leadership, other)?
Funding for testbed activities
7. Are there tools or technologies that we should be pursuing to improve your group’s collaborative activities?
Web Forums
8. Are you interested in trying new collaboration technologies as a tester?