P&S Telecon - October 20, 2015
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
November RFP Q&A
Opportunity to ask questions about the November 2015 Testbed RFP
- Thanks all for your help preparing the RFP!
Updates on the Testbed Evaluation Framework
Update provided by Annie B.
- We're 3 weeks into the evaluation.
- 3 Types of evaluation teams:
- Domain scientists - federal sciences
- ESIP-centric team
- Private industry, academic, and a mix
- All approaching it differently:
- ARIA-MH, Hook's project
- Issue with software access and proprietary imagery
- So evaluation has to happen through Telecons
- Evaluators look at software and tech that is not at their fingertips
- Learning how to do that - group call yesterday. Team used the OSF wiki to brainstorm on how to approach this sort of online evaluation
- Will have two 2-hour long calls with the PI to come up with a Test Plan with the PI
- And then another call with the PI to execute the test plan, then evaluate if needs an additional call
- Collaborative Workbench, Manil's project
- Using Slack to collaborate about evaluation
- Will meet with PI to go through
- Backend of evaluation hosted on AWS, for the 6 months of the evaluations
- Fusion of Hurricane Models and Observations: Developing the Technology to Improve the Forecasts
- All evaluators have in-depth knowledge, hit the ground running
- ARIA-MH, Hook's project
Winter Meeting Planning Sessions
Continued planning for P&S and Testbed Winter Meeting activities - Last year's agenda here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yLY2964NlwJY_S98vlc2hRe6Ar1cthVMG_dr78BdVtU/edit#gid=0
Idea: A block of 3 sessions, maybe a full morn/afternoon
- Start with "What is the Testbed/P&S" session - Christine to Submit
- Then TEF/AIST session - Annie already Submitted
- Other Testbeds/collaboration session - Emily and Ken to Submit
What is the Testbed Session
- Fun, interactive overview of P&S, and Testbed/FUNding Friday
- Introduce TEF, but not in-depth
Testbed Evaluation Framework/AIST Testbed Session
- Overview, Working Meeting
- Evaluators report out
- Bring in potential other projects, and evaluators
- Talk about next round too - when, how?
- Sit down with the group, talk through what worked, what didn't work, and how we can refine this process
- Best Practices - for example:
- Regardless of TRL, the PI & the Evaluator should meet the first week to go through the technologies
- Tech Overview Call
- Lack of documentation from PI - understand what they are trying to do, vs what evaluator thinks they are trying to do
- "What are the goals of this?"
- "If this is your goal, then this is what we see as best practice to accomplish the goal"
- Regardless of TRL, the PI & the Evaluator should meet the first week to go through the technologies
- What evaluators get out of it:
- 5K in funding and travel to the Winter Meeting to participate, and travel to AGU for the Independent Eval Session
- In the future it might not be 5K b/c of fed limits on accepting salary -
- Might be interesting to think about the Type relationship to the "what do you get" (i.e., Type IIIs, where the budget might be helpful)
- Flexibility
- Varying Access and TRL levels
Technology Evaluation Session: How we support evaluation, and build components to do so
- Earth Science Community Testbeds - broader, diff. orgs that have Testbeds
- Status, highlight capabilities
- Conversation, see if there are collaborative opps
- EarthCube Testbed & ESIP Testbed Collaboration discussion
- Support integration of technologies, components and services that support EarthCube infrastructure; cloud platform, evaluation framework
- RDA Testbed
- OGC Testbed (?)
Awarded Testbed Projects & FUNding Friday Projects
- Testbed:
- Disaster Lifecycle - Expanding CCOP: Will be supported in Disaster Cluster sessin
- John's Fast Track Project: Maybe highlight as part of AIST session?
- Other Projects from November RFP that will be awarded by then - reminder to awardees that they can leverage the Winter Meeting to kick-off
- FUNDing Friday Posters
- Nancy to reach out to Brandon Whitehead and Sophie Hou regarding posters and session-related presentations
- Soren and Christine to collaborate on reaching out to other projects
Other logistics
- "Templates" for projects
- Scope of work template
- Budget template
- "Adoption" template (see nice example from Beta release of AppEEARS)
- Next P&S Meetings: Nov. 17th (Tues before Thanksgiving) and Dec. 15th (before AGU). Nov. 17th OK; for December, we'll check in on Nov. call.
- Timeframe for TCB to evaluate proposals: First week of December