P&S Telecon - November 17, 2015
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Check-in regarding Testbed RFP
- Q&A for both proposers or for proposal evaluators
- Received a proposal from the Disaster Cluster - TCB, when do you want to review this together?
Update on ESIP Testbed and EarthCube Testbed collaboration
- Possible integration with hosting/testing environment
- Collaboration on Evaluation Framework
- ESIP evaluate EarthCube projects
- EarthCube provide feedback on feedback mechanisms
- Work together on best practices
Update on AIST Testbed Evaluation Framework happenings
- 2015-11-17 deadline for submitting final evaluation
- How people are reporting:
- ESIP does the "smoothing and polishing" before report goes to NASA; so, team provides the heavy content for the evaluation, ESIP finalizes (this feels like a great best practice)
- Evaluators then review the post-processing before it goes to NASA
- Evaluator styles were all different, as was the TRL's - this is valuable for determining best practices
- ESIP may get another run of funding from AIST - how to do this a second time
- Also, an idea of evaluation not just in technology/web service, but to other realms - e.g., disaster preparedness, plans
NDS update (bsportal.nationaldataservice.org)
- ESIP has a partnership with NDS
- Possible hosting provision for Testbed projects
- Current model we have in place - where TCB identifies projects that might be of interest and shares with NDS to review - is OK
Winter Meeting Plan
We’ve got a number of great sessions in the works; lets collaborate on ideas & efforts
- Action: Each session send out a "what we learned" from our session, next step - notes and braindump
- Working google doc folks can post ideas as they think of them
- On the go, collect our thoughts - review on Feb 2016 P&S
- How to capture feedback from Twitter/Tweets sent out by folks at conference?
- What should our hashtag be? #Testbed? Alternatively if they want to be specific, #ESIPTestbed #AISTTestbed
- Automate dumping tweets into spreadsheet