P&S Telecon - May 20, 2014
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
- Christine White
- Erin Robinson
- Bruce Caron
- Nancy Hoebelheinrich
- Ken Keiser
- Christine: Touch base with Funded Testbed Project PI's and let them know about presenting in ESIP Sessions. Encourage Poster for poster session.
- Christine: Prepare and distribute to three project groups/conveners a Testbed slide to include in ESIP sessions, and also 3-4 slides to include in ESIP 101 session. Should include updated logo that Ken provided; can be re-used for flier for welcome packet/announcement slide for ESIP Welcome.
- Ken: (complete) ask colleague to update logo for Testbed slide
Updates on Funded Testbed Projects
Three funded:
- Evaluating the ESIP Ontologies for Mapping and Reconciliation (Pouchard and Huhns)
- Semantic Web Meeting as an update
- POC - Tom Narock for Semantic Web meeting. Nancy will ask Tom about how much time Michael and Line can have to present
- Christine: Contact Michael & Line - and let them know they can present in there
- Cyberinfrastructure Prototype Inventory (Kinkaide) - need to ping, haven't heard from WHOI regarding our contingency
- EarthCube Session - Danie is convening this, so no problem
- Christine touch base here
- ToolMatch Service Testbed Project Proposal (Ferritto)
- ToolMatch Session - Nancy is convening, also no problem
- Christine to write a blog post this week
Next Steps for funded projects
- Erin requested an SOW, and then ESIP Foundation turns around an MOU; then they get started. They can get started at this point, at any time.
- Christine reach out so they can be prepped to talk about their projects at the Summer Meeting
- Christine: Prepare and distribute to three project groups/conveners a Testbed slide
- Include one slide for Testbed
- Ken to check with colleague about updating URL in Testbed Logo (http://testbed.esipfed.org/)
- Next call in October, more details forthcoming
- testbed, lifecycle, list of projects and where they will be presented at meeting and if they'll have a poster/demo)
Summer Meeting Planning
Testbed and P&S Session
- ESIP 101 - couple slides there? 1st hour of 1st day
- 3-4 slides (testbed, lifecycle, list of projects and where they will be presented at meeting)
- Drop session "Testbed Project Showcase" (http://commons.esipfed.org/node/2373)? yes
- Reach out to Testbed PI's and let them know about the sessions and ability to present in them; also, encourage poster submission, (poster submission abstract/title deadline is June 15th)
Funding Friday
Important rule: If you win last year, you can't compete again this year
Session "FUNding Friday Ideas Jam (Thursday night)"
- Dedicated facilitated brainstorm to support Funding Friday projects: Thursday night
- Erin found a great place for the session, right next door to the venue
- Final decision on time: 5:30 PM
- Goals:
- Find collaborators for projects (Some kind of match-making)
- Work on their posters
- Logistics: Food/drinks for purchase
- Doling out of Decisions still do on Friday
- ESIP staff (TBD) can get posters from Thursday event and hang them up for morning (i.e., poster-makers don't have to worry about hanging them if they are done on Thursday)
FUNding Friday Morning
- Because all the prep is done on Thursday, folks can start perusing posters during Breakfast
- Peruse posters, and poster-makers give 2-minute pitch
- Everyone gets three votes - can distribute, or put all on one
- Student competition and the main event
- Erin will take care of making sure we have paper ballots for votes and making sure resort help can pass them out (Nancy can help too)
- Nancy and Bruce volunteered to lead the decision activities/announcements on Friday
- Decision Criteria:
- Innovative, collaborative, has value to ESIP and Science community
Advertising FUNding Friday Events
- Flier that goes in the meeting packet to talk about the Thursday Night session
- Brief announcement slide for Thurs Night session in welcome/meeting overview?
- Also mention Funding Friday at ESIP 101
Next Meeting
P&S Telecon - June 17, 2014
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