P&S Montly Telecon - November 7, 2011
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Back to: Products and Services
Minutes November 7, 2011 Products and Services Telecon
Call-in details:
- 1-877-668-4493
- Attendee Access code: 23140358#
Participants: Phil Yang, Tyler, Hook, GMU group, John, Yuechen, Ken
- Testbed awards are complete. Phil Yang's group at GMU will be handling the portal development. Need to workout specifics of where the portal will reside.
- Winter meeting sessions - quick decisions were made about sessions
- P&S session can be used to investigate new topics for the committee - one being the general idea of using cloud resources for the Testbed (we can still rename this session to whatever makes sense)
- other ideas for presentations in this session? Trying to not focus on just Testbed topics, but maybe staying more general. The flip side could be to specifically make it an "ESIP Testbed" session if that seems more interesting and might generate more participation. The summer meeting focused on current testbed activities, but not sure if all the new testbed tasks would be ready to present anything by the winter meeting.
- Cloud computing cluster (teamed with P&S) to discuss specifics of cloud resources
- P&S session can be used to investigate new topics for the committee - one being the general idea of using cloud resources for the Testbed (we can still rename this session to whatever makes sense)
- What other topics should the P&S committee be investigating? What else would be of interest and value to the ESIP community? Should everything be focused on the Testbed?
Meeting Notes:
ESDSWG report
- requests/suggestions for more involvement with DAACS at ESDSWG
- ESDSWG is thinking, and ESIP is doing - good theme for justifying the Testbed
- ISO metadata activities
ESIP Winter Meeting Sessions
- 1. P&S session (Thurs)
- 2. Cloud introduction - panel (Thurs)
- 3. Cloud Testbed + P&S Comm (Fri) - cloud resources for the ESIP testbed (and beyond) - how cloud can support ES research and leverage for projects
- Probably will start with hosting a cloud Testbed activity - what is manageable and affordable at this point
- Followed by a decision of whether to host the Testbed on cloud resources
Testbed use cases - gather for all Testbed tasks
- cloud computing could be good example
- gather pain points for tasks/subjects - community based needs
- meeting theme of collaboration - how do we solicit involvement
- joint sessions are more attractive.
- conduct polls before and after session to determine community's perception of efforts
- hands on experience is important - maybe demos of Testbed activities if available
- is use of cloud resources viable for the Testbed
- eucalyptus - originally used by Nebula
- 1.5hr long sessions
- Possible session name: The ESIP Testbed - An Infrastructure for Community Collaboration
- trying to make the advertisement of the session more interesting
- downplaying "Products and Services"
- Other suggestions?
Other topics:
- John reiterated a suggestion to discuss deciding when an activity moves from testing to production - maybe guidelines on the expected duration of activities.
- Tyler has an introduction to new GCMD functionality that would be appropriate for the session
ACTION: Send around ideas for session name and possible agenda
ACTION: Schedule a telecon with Phil Yang's group, Carol and Erin (and others?) to discuss beginning development of Testbed portal