P&S Monthly Telecon - March 12, 2012
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
Back to: Products and Services
Minutes for: ESIP Products & Services Telecon - Monday, March 12 @ 2pm CST
Call-in details:
- 1-877-668-4493
- Attendee Access code: 23140358#
WebEx online access: https://esipfed.webex.com/mw0306ld/mywebex/default.do?siteurl=esipfed
Note: the access code above (with no spaces or dashes) is the password for the online access
- Updates on ESIP web infrastructure that will support the Testbed, as well as other ESIP functionality (Erin - should have warned her about this...)
- Example "state of the art" documentation (Christine)
- And discuss ideas for other Testbed and ESIP documentation - ESIP Commons, etc.
- Testbed Presentation Series - 2nd in the series
- Chen Xu and Phil Yang will present plans and current status of the NEW Testbed Portal
- Next telecon - same day/time?
- Meeting notes are posted on the wiki.
Meeting Notes:
Participants: John, Nancy, Chen, Yuechen, Christine, Rezgui, Carol, Hook, (other lurkers)
ESIP web infrastructure
- Nancy asked about not having web code
- Christine asked about github functionality
- Ken will ask Erin to document hosting service and github instructions to be sent around
State of the Art Document
- Christine walked through the Discovery Task example of this document
- trying to address pain points of the activity
- overview, problem statement, use cases, solutions, links to other information
- Christine and Hook added "Use cases" and Benefits to ESIP as headings/sections
Testbed Presentation Series: Testbed Portal, Chen Xu
- Comments
- status:
- roles and permissions -
- what is difference between ESIP member and authenticated user?
- what is the authentication plan for ESIP portal in general?
- do multiple developers for a project have to be assigned by admin, or other manager?
- Not sure of the purposed of "authenticated user" role - why is this necessary?
- Carol pointed out having single sign-on for all ESIP portal functionality (Ajinkya is working on this issue)
- What is the definition of "ESIP Member" in terms of the portal?
- what is difference between ESIP member and authenticated user?
- Community topics could be sent to email lists (Hook)
- Are issues and comments the same (John?) - No
- Some members would like to get started using the development version (Nancy)
- Chen can admit registrations now - I'll send around the link
- Next month - Nancy Hoebelheinrich & Greg Janee (Preservation and Stewardship task)
- Carol reminded everyone that the call for sessions at the Summer meeting is out and ready
Telecon Schedule - April 9th @ 2pm CT / 3pm ET