P&S Monthly Telecon - December 12, 2011
Back to: Products and Services
Minutes for: ESIP Products & Services Telecon - Monday, Dec 12 @ 1pm CSTn
Call-in details:
- 1-877-668-4493
- Attendee Access code: 23140358#
Per the previous note, the P&S services telecon was changed to this coming Monday. Primarily we will want to finish up the plans for our session at the ESIP Winter Meeting. Tyler and I have taken a crack at a suggested session agenda and have posted it as a placeholder at the following location.
Please look it over and we will discuss the specifics on Monday.
Meeting Notes:
- Quick review of session agenda and overview agreement on the topics and the time breakdown
- Discussion of ways to help the quick task overviews suggest community involvement
- Mention what cluster/group is promoting each task
- Maybe give brief example case study that might be of general interest to ESIP
- [Action] Ken to provide a template of a few points that each task presentation can address for continuity
- Discussed use of pre and post session survey of the attendees to garner interest in the Testbed and maybe glean useful information
- Need to be short questions, probably with multiple choice answers so the results can be counted
- Limit to 3, maybe 5 questions
- Try to have one or two that would be re-asked pre and post session to see if the interest/education improved as a result.
- [Action] Ken to send around a list of possible questions as a starting place for the group to refine
- Tyler captured the ones mentioned on the call:
- Did you know ESIP had a testbed? (Yes, No)
- How interested are you in getting involved in the testbed (Very, Somewhat, Not Interested)
- What do you want to get out of the testbed (Options??)
- Would you consider using cloud resources for your work?
- John Scialdone emailed a suggestion to add a couple survey questions to the next ESIP meeting registration process (need to remember for Summer meeting)
- Need to verify that all the listed presenters are willing to participate in the session.
- {Action] Check with Erin/Carol about the 15min front office perspective
- [Action] Check with Phil Yang about the portal and information quality (3min) presentations for the task overview and a 15min cloud resource presentation
Meeting information
Topic: Products and Services Date: December 12, 2011 Time: 1:00 pm, Central Standard Time (Chicago, GMT-06:00)
To join the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): +1-408-600-3600
Call-in toll number (US/Canada)*: +1-571-918-6008
Global call-in numbers: https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=9980178&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
Attendee access code: 231 403 58
- Call-in toll number (US/Canada) should only be used if the primary number does not work.
To start or join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting
Go to https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/j.php?ED=9980178&UID=485702468&PW=NZmViYWMyYzJk&RT=MiM3
The meeting number for the online access is the same as above, with no spaces, so... 23140358