P&S Monthly May 23, 2006
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Data Quality Discussion at Winter Meeting
- Overall logistics
- Total time available: six hours
- General structure: morning talks/afternoon breakouts
- Climate Data Records -- Bruce Barkstrom, John Bates
- Must stand the test of time, so most stringent
- Science Ready/Science usage
- ESIP Type II
- Applications (Commercial)
- ScienceSociety Benefit area groups
- Education
P&S Inventory/ESIP Partnership Database
- Will work with GCMD to fill in ESIP records
- During same contact will update Federation database on our ESIPS
- This work with begin this week to have as much done as possible before the Summer Meeting
- Will contact Wayne Faas at NCDC and NOAA folks to get up-to-date on their inventory project
- Check with Ted Habermann and the Rich Metadata effort
- Also check status of using the FGDC Remote Sensing Extensions
- Discussed what list of Data Quality issues could be included in polling
- NOAA has some simple fields
- We will look through the notes from our previous discussions
- Possibly this aspect will come in the second pass when we fill in more details