P&S Monthly May 18, 2011
From Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)
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Minutes May 18, 2011 Products and Services Telecon
Participants: Rob Raskin, John Scialdone, Tyler Stevens, Yuechen Chi, Hook Hua, Carol Meyer, Erin Robinson, Ken Keiser (and others I probably missed - please add your name if attended and were missed)
- Discuss, review and (hopefully) wrap-up the P&S Testbed proposal - I will send a draft before the meeting
- Discuss more ideas for ESIP session for P&S Testbed activities.
- Ideas for setting up cloud capabilities in the Testbed (Hook)
- Planning for ESIP Summer Meeting session
- Highlight current and proposed Testbed activities
- Current
- Expert Skills Database - good example of a Testbed activity that is now moving to an operational environment within the ESIP Federation
- Unique Data Identifies - report on activities and successes
- Semantic registration of data and services(?)
- Others?
- Proposed
- Move to a portal (drupal) environment to provide better hosting environment for the testbed - connection with a wider ESIP plan for a member management system
- Federated Discovery efforts
- Information Quality
- Interoperability - metadata standards
- (new?) Data Stewardship
- Proposed
- Testbed Proposal efforts
- Reviewed changes to proposal text
- Stressing task ownership by other groups within ESIP
- Added concept of a Configuration Board for oversight
- Added plans for reporting requirements
- Reviewed and discussed proposed tasks
- Added new Task 1 for the deployment of a drupal-based portal to host Testbed activities
- The ESIP Discovery cluster has taken ownership of task 2 for testing Discovery technologies
- Information Quality cluster will likely take ownership of task 3 - Tyler will attend their telecon next week
- Interoperability & Technology committee will provide Task 4, dealing with metadata topics
- Data Stewardship has been approached about either a follow-on for the current Unique Data Identifier effort, or a new stewardship-related task
- Reviewed changes to proposal text
- Actions
- Iterate with Hook, Rob, Carol and Erin on wording for virtualization and cloud resources in Task 1
- Remove Task 6 (semantic web) - will now be incorporated in task 1
- Send (hopefully) final version of proposal to the group next week after collecting approval and input from all the other groups involved
- Prepare suggested ESIP Summer Meeting session agenda, based on today's input, for review and finalization on next month's telecon